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【AppleScript】path to


AppleScript 2.1 Help【英語
AppleScript 2.1 Help【日本語

application support folderアプリケーションサポート
applications folderアプリケーションフォルダ
current user folder現在ログイン中のユーザフォルダ
desktop folderデスクトップ
desktop pictures folderデスクトップピクチャ・フォルダ
documents folder書類フォルダ
favorites folderよく使う項目フォルダ
fonts folderフォント
help folderヘルプフォルダ
home folderホームフォルダ
keychain folderキーチェーンフォルダ
library folderライブラリフォルダ
modem scripts folderモデムスクリプト
movies folderムービーフォルダ
music folderミュージックフォルダ
pictures folderピクチャフォルダ
preferences folder環境設定
printer descriptions folder プリンタ記述
public folderパブリックフォルダ
scripting additions folderスクリプティング機能追加
scripts folderスクリプトフォルダ
shared documents folder共有書類フォルダ
sites folderサイトフォルダ
system folderシステムフォルダ
trash folderゴミ箱
users folderユーザフォルダ
utilities folderユーティリティフォルダ
folder action scriptsフォルダアクションスクリプト
frontmost application最前面のアプリケーション
modem scriptsモデムスクリプト
printer descriptionsプリンタ記述
scripting additionsスクリプティング機能追加
shared documents共有書類フォルダ
shared libraries共有ライブラリ
startup disk起動ディスク
system preferencesシステム環境設定
temporary items暫定項目


set Pathto01 to the path to application support
set Pathto02 to the path to applications folder
set Pathto03 to the path to desktop
set Pathto04 to the path to desktop pictures folder
set Pathto05 to the path to documents folder
set Pathto06 to the path to favorites folder
set Pathto07 to the path to Folder Action scripts
set Pathto08 to the path to fonts
set Pathto09 to the path to frontmost application
set Pathto10 to the path to help folder
set Pathto11 to the path to home folder
set Pathto12 to the path to keychain folder
set Pathto13 to the path to library folder
set Pathto14 to the path to modem scripts
set Pathto15 to the path to movies folder
set Pathto16 to the path to pictures folder
set Pathto17 to the path to preferences
set Pathto18 to the path to printer descriptions
set Pathto19 to the path to public folder
set Pathto20 to the path to scripts folder
set Pathto21 to the path to scripting additions
set Pathto22 to the path to shared libraries
set Pathto23 to the path to shared documents folder
set Pathto24 to the path to sites folder
set Pathto25 to the path to trash
set Pathto26 to the path to startup disk
set Pathto27 to the path to system folder
set Pathto28 to the path to temporary items
set Pathto29 to the path to utilities folder
set Pathto30 to the path to voices
set Pathto31 to the path to current user folder
set Pathto32 to the path to users folder
set Pathto33 to the path to system preferences

set Pathto01 to the path to application support from user domain
set Pathto02 to the path to applications folder from user domain
set Pathto03 to the path to desktop from user domain
set Pathto04 to the path to desktop pictures folder from user domain
set Pathto05 to the path to documents folder from user domain
set Pathto06 to the path to favorites folder from user domain
set Pathto07 to the path to Folder Action scripts from user domain
set Pathto08 to the path to fonts from user domain
set Pathto09 to the path to frontmost application from user domain
set Pathto10 to the path to help folder from user domain
set Pathto11 to the path to home folder from user domain
set Pathto12 to the path to keychain folder from user domain
set Pathto13 to the path to library folder from user domain
set Pathto14 to the path to modem scripts from user domain
set Pathto15 to the path to movies folder from user domain
set Pathto16 to the path to pictures folder from user domain
set Pathto17 to the path to preferences from user domain
set Pathto18 to the path to printer descriptions from user domain
set Pathto19 to the path to public folder from user domain
set Pathto20 to the path to scripts folder from user domain
set Pathto21 to the path to scripting additions from user domain
set Pathto22 to the path to shared libraries from user domain
set Pathto23 to the path to shared documents folder from user domain
set Pathto24 to the path to sites folder from user domain
set Pathto25 to the path to trash from user domain
set Pathto26 to the path to startup disk from user domain
set Pathto27 to the path to system folder from user domain
set Pathto28 to the path to temporary items from user domain
set Pathto29 to the path to utilities folder from user domain
set Pathto30 to the path to voices from user domain
set Pathto31 to the path to current user folder from user domain
set Pathto32 to the path to users folder from user domain
set Pathto33 to the path to system preferences from user domain

--set Pathto01 to the path to application support from system domain
set Pathto02 to the path to applications folder from system domain
--set Pathto03 to the path to desktop from system domain
--set Pathto04 to the path to desktop pictures folder from system domain
--set Pathto05 to the path to documents folder from system domain
--set Pathto06 to the path to favorites folder from system domain
--set Pathto07 to the path to Folder Action scripts from system domain
set Pathto08 to the path to fonts from system domain
set Pathto09 to the path to frontmost application from system domain
set Pathto10 to the path to help folder from system domain
set Pathto11 to the path to home folder from system domain
set Pathto12 to the path to keychain folder from system domain
set Pathto13 to the path to library folder from system domain
set Pathto14 to the path to modem scripts from system domain
--set Pathto15 to the path to movies folder from system domain
--set Pathto16 to the path to pictures folder from system domain
--set Pathto17 to the path to preferences from system domain
set Pathto18 to the path to printer descriptions from system domain
--set Pathto19 to the path to public folder from system domain
--set Pathto20 to the path to scripts folder from system domain
set Pathto21 to the path to scripting additions from system domain
set Pathto22 to the path to shared libraries from system domain
set Pathto23 to the path to shared documents folder from system domain
--set Pathto24 to the path to sites folder from system domain
--set Pathto25 to the path to trash from system domain
set Pathto26 to the path to startup disk from system domain
set Pathto27 to the path to system folder from system domain
set Pathto28 to the path to temporary items from system domain
set Pathto29 to the path to utilities folder from system domain
set Pathto30 to the path to voices from system domain
set Pathto31 to the path to current user folder from system domain
set Pathto32 to the path to users folder from system domain
set Pathto33 to the path to system preferences from system domain

set Pathto01 to the path to application support from local domain
set Pathto02 to the path to applications folder from local domain
set Pathto03 to the path to desktop from local domain
set Pathto04 to the path to desktop pictures folder from local domain
set Pathto05 to the path to documents folder from local domain
set Pathto06 to the path to favorites folder from local domain
set Pathto07 to the path to Folder Action scripts from local domain
set Pathto08 to the path to fonts from local domain
set Pathto09 to the path to frontmost application from local domain
set Pathto10 to the path to help folder from local domain
set Pathto11 to the path to home folder from local domain
set Pathto12 to the path to keychain folder from local domain
set Pathto13 to the path to library folder from local domain
set Pathto14 to the path to modem scripts from local domain
set Pathto15 to the path to movies folder from local domain
set Pathto16 to the path to pictures folder from local domain
set Pathto17 to the path to preferences from local domain
set Pathto18 to the path to printer descriptions from local domain
set Pathto19 to the path to public folder from local domain
set Pathto20 to the path to scripts folder from local domain
set Pathto21 to the path to scripting additions from local domain
set Pathto22 to the path to shared libraries from local domain
set Pathto23 to the path to shared documents folder from local domain
set Pathto24 to the path to sites folder from local domain
--set Pathto25 to the path to trash from local domain
set Pathto26 to the path to startup disk from local domain
set Pathto27 to the path to system folder from local domain
set Pathto28 to the path to temporary items from local domain
set Pathto29 to the path to utilities folder from local domain
--set Pathto30 to the path to voices from local domain
set Pathto31 to the path to current user folder from local domain
set Pathto32 to the path to users folder from local domain
set Pathto33 to the path to system preferences from local domain


(path to downloads folder)



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