[Ai]イラストレーター まとめて 書き出し 別名保存
Adobe Illustrator CS4
on open DropObj
tell application "Finder"
-----------------ファインダ アクティブ
set SetLabels to ¬
"[JPG]", ¬
"[PNG8]", ¬
"[PNG24]", ¬
"[GIF]", ¬
"[PSD]", ¬
"[SWF]", ¬
"[FXG]", ¬
set chooseResult to choose from list SetLabels with prompt "フォーマットを選んでください" OK button name "実行する" with title "フォーマット選択"
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj
set fileName to name of ObjFiles as string
set pathAliasDoc to ObjFiles as alias
set pathStringDoc to pathAliasDoc as string
set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles
set MainFileName to my replace(fileName, "." & exeName, "") as string
set pathStringDirName to my replace(pathStringDoc, fileName, "") as string
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
-----------Illustrator アクティブ
set ArtRange to "" as Unicode text
set backlayers to "background" as Unicode text
if chooseResult is false then
tell application "Finder"
end tell
else if chooseResult is {"[EPS]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the EpsFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "eps") as string
set saveEpsFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & EpsFileName) as string
save activDoc in file saveEpsFileName as eps with options ¬
{class:EPS save options ¬
, include document thumbnails:false ¬
, save multiple artboards:false ¬
, overprint:preserve ¬
, PostScript:level 3 ¬
, preview:none ¬
, embed linked files:true ¬
, embed all fonts:true ¬
, compatible gradient printing:true ¬
, compatibility:Illustrator 8 ¬
, CMYK PostScript:true ¬
, artboard range:1 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[FXG]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the FxgFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "fxg") as string
set saveFxgFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & FxgFileName) as string
save activDoc in file saveFxgFileName as fxg with options ¬
{class:FXG save options ¬
, artboard range:ArtRange ¬
, clip content:true ¬
, downsample linked images:false ¬
, filters policy:keep filters editable ¬
, fxg version:version 1.0 ¬
, gradients policy:keep gradients editable ¬
, include metadata:false ¬
, include unused symbols:false ¬
, preserve editing capabilities:true ¬
, save multiple artboards:false ¬
, text policy:keep text editable ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[SWF]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the SwfFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "swf") as string
set saveSwfFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & SwfFileName) as string
export activDoc to file saveSwfFileName as Flash with options ¬
{class:Flash export options ¬
, art clipping:output artboard bounds ¬
, artboard range:ArtRange ¬
, background color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, blend animation:none ¬
, compressed:true ¬
, convert text to outlines:true ¬
, curve quality:10 ¬
, export all symbols:false ¬
, export style:Flash file ¬
, export version:SWF version 9 ¬
, Flash Playback Security:flash playback local access ¬
, frame rate:64.0 ¬
, image format:lossless ¬
, JPEG method:optimized ¬
, JPEG quality:8 ¬
, layer order:bottom up ¬
, looping:true ¬
, preserve appearance:false ¬
, read only:false ¬
, replacing:yes ¬
, resolution:144.0 ¬
, save multiple artboards:false ¬
, textkerning:false ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[GIF]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the GifFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set saveGifFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & GifFileName) as string
export activDoc to file saveGifFileName as GIF with options ¬
{class:GIF export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, color count:255 ¬
, color dither:none ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, dither percent:80 ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, information loss:0 ¬
, interlaced:true ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[JPG]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the JPGFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set saveJPGFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & JPGFileName) as string
export activDoc to file saveJPGFileName as JPEG with options ¬
{class:JPEG export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, blur:0.0 ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, optimization:true ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[PNG8]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the PngFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savePngFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PngFileName) as string
export activDoc to file savePngFileName as PNG8 with options ¬
{class:PNG8 export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, color count:255 ¬
, color dither:none ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, dither percent:80 ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, interlaced:true ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[PNG24]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the PngFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savePngFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PngFileName) as string
export activDoc to file savePngFileName as PNG24 with options ¬
{class:PNG24 export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[PSD]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the PsdFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "psd") as string
set savePsdFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PsdFileName) as string
export activDoc to file savePsdFileName as Photoshop with options ¬
{class:Photoshop export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard range:ArtRange ¬
, color space:RGB ¬
, editable text:true ¬
, embed ICC profile:true ¬
, maximum editability:true ¬
, resolution:144.0 ¬
, save multiple artboards:true ¬
, warnings:false ¬
, write layers:true ¬
close activDoc saving no
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end open
to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace
| 固定リンク
- MakePSUserConfig(2018.10.31)
- この手の出し方は結構好感(2017.07.03)
- [Acrobat AppleScript]tsubasaさんのコメントへのレスポンス【別ファイル】(2011.04.15)
- [PSDcs4]WEBおよびデバイス用に保存【少し直し】(2010.10.25)
- [PSDcs4]WEBおよびデバイス用に保存(2010.10.24)