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Image Eventsを使って







on open DropObj
tell application "Finder"
set cr to ASCII character (13)
set the FileColor to "" as Unicode text
set the theName to "" as Unicode text
end tell
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj
set afile to ObjFiles
tell application "Image Events"
set this_image to open afile
set the props_rec to the properties of this_image
close this_image
set the FileColor to ""
set the FileColor to (color space of props_rec) & return
set the FileColor to FileColor as Unicode text
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set FileColor to my replace(FileColor, "«constant", "")
set FileColor to my replace(FileColor, "*", "")
set FileColor to my replace(FileColor, "»", "")
set FileColor to my replace(FileColor, " ", "")
set FileColor to my replace(FileColor, cr, "")
set the FileColor to FileColor as Unicode text
if FileColor is "RGB" then
set label index of afile to 2
else if FileColor is "Eightchannel" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Eightcolor" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Sevenchannel" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Sevencolor" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Sixchannel" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Sixcolor" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Fivechannel" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Fivecolor" then
set label index of afile to 1
else if FileColor is "Lab" then
set label index of afile to 4
else if FileColor is "Named" then
set label index of afile to 5
else if FileColor is "XYZ" then
set label index of afile to 6
else if FileColor is "Gray" then
set label index of afile to 7
else if FileColor is "CMYK" then
set label index of afile to 0
else if FileColor is "missingvalue" then
set label index of afile to 3
set label index of afile to 3
end if
set the FileColor to ""
end tell
end repeat
end open

to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace


set label index of afile to X

afile は ファイル フォルダ の alias タイプ

X は
0 はラベル無し
1 オレンジ
2 レッド
3 イエロー
4 グリーン
5 ブルー
6 パープル
7 グレー


赤 と オレンジ がテレコになっていますので 注意してください

----ファイルを選択して FileAlias に格納
set FileAlias to choose file "変更するファイルを選択"

tell application "Finder"

set label index of FileAlias to 5

end tell


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