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AppleScript Error Numbers List【-2700〜-2763】

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Error numberError message
-2700Unknown error.
-2701Can’t divide by zero.
-2702The result of a numeric operation was too large.
-2703 can't be launched because it is not an application.
-2704 isn't scriptable.
-2705The application has a corrupted dictionary.
-2706Stack overflow.
-2707Internal table overflow.
-2708Attempt to create a value larger than the allowable size.
-2709Can't get the event dictionary.
-2720Can't both consider and ignore .
-2721Can't perform operation on text longer than 32K bytes.
-2729Message size too large for the 7.0 Finder.
-2740A can't go after this .
-2741Expected but found .
-2750The parameter is specified more than once.
-2751The property is specified more than once.
-2752The handler is specified more than once.
-2753The variable is not defined.
-2754Can't declare as both a local and global variable.
-2755Exit statement was not in a repeat loop.
-2760Tell statements are nested too deeply.
-2761 is illegal as a formal parameter.
-2762 is not a parameter name for the event .
-2763No result was returned for some argument of this expression.


« [Link]Quick Lookを集めたリンク集2つ | トップページ | AppleScript Operating System Error Numbers List【-35〜-915】 »


