« [住所録]はがきデザインキットの住所録データを使う【その2】 | トップページ | [Mobby]Adobe Reader LE »





set SendMailADD to "yourMailadd.com" as Unicode text

----【設定2/3】何秒毎に処理するか 60で1分毎 1800で30分毎 3600で1時間毎
set IntTime to "60"

set TryCnt to "9999"

repeat TryCnt times

tell application "Finder"

set CnowTime to my DateAndTIme(current date)
set nowTime to CnowTime as Unicode text
set DirName to characters 1 thru 8 of nowTime as Unicode text

set SaveFile to "/tmp/" & DirName & "/" & nowTime & ".txt"

set MkDirCmd to "mkdir -p /tmp/" & DirName as Unicode text

do shell script MkDirCmd
end try

set ClearDir to "rm -f /tmp/" & DirName & "/*txt"

do shell script ClearDir
end try

set My_URL to "http://applescriptip.appspot.com/?callback=getip" as Unicode text

set ShCmd to "curl " & My_URL

set ShCmd to "curl " & My_URL & " >> " & SaveFile

set OriginaltheIP to do shell script ShCmd
end try

end tell

set Openfile to POSIX file SaveFile

set OpenF to open for access alias Openfile
set ReadF to read OpenF
close access OpenF

tell application "Mail"
set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"IP" & nowTime, content:ReadF, visible:true}
tell theNewMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:SendMailADD}
end tell
end tell
delay IntTime

end repeat

to DateAndTIme(theDate)
set y to (year of theDate)
set m to my monthNumStr(month of theDate)
set d to day of theDate
set hms to time of theDate
set hh to h of sec2hms(hms)
set mm to m of sec2hms(hms)
set ss to s of sec2hms(hms)
return (y as text) & my zero1(m) & my zero1(d) & "_" & zero1(hh) & zero1(mm) & zero1(ss)

end DateAndTIme
to monthNumStr(theMonth)
set monList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
repeat with i from 1 to 12
if item i of monList is theMonth then exit repeat
end repeat
return i
end monthNumStr
to zero1(n)
if n < 10 then
return "0" & n
return n as text
end if
end zero1
to sec2hms(sec)
set ret to {h:0, m:0, s:0}
set h of ret to sec div hours
set m of ret to (sec - (h of ret) * hours) div minutes
set s of ret to sec mod minutes
return ret
end sec2hms




« [住所録]はがきデザインキットの住所録データを使う【その2】 | トップページ | [Mobby]Adobe Reader LE »


