« Upside Down, Left To Right: A Letterpress Film | トップページ | [ColorPicker]アップルのカラービッカーで落とし穴に落ちる..汗 »



set theMyScreenName to "motogp"
----ここで設定します 値は1100まで
set theCountItemMax to 2

tell application "TextEdit"
end tell
set theDeliTex to "," as Unicode text
set mol_list to {}
set theListFriends to "" as Unicode text
set theUserScreenName to "" as Unicode text
set theCountItem to 0
set theTwitterRss to "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/"
set theTwitterRssExt to ".rss"
set theListFriendsCom to "curl http://api.twitter.com/1/friends/ids.json?screen_name=" & theMyScreenName & " | awk -F \"[\" '{print($2)}' | awk -F \"]\" '{print($1)}' " as Unicode text
set theListFriends to do shell script theListFriendsCom
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDeliTex
set theFriendsList to text items of theListFriends
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theFriendsList to theFriendsList as list
----repeat with theItem in theFriendsList
-------set theListSNcom to "curl https://api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.json?user_id=" & theItem & " | awk -F '\"screen_name\"' '{print($2)}' | awk -F \",\" '{print($1)}' | awk -F \":\" '{print($2)}'| tr -d '\"'| tr -d ']'| tr -d '}'" as Unicode text
----set theUserSN to do shell script theListSNcom
----end repeat

repeat with i from 1 to theCountItemMax
set theCountItem to theCountItem + 1
set theFrindIdNo to item theCountItem of theFriendsList
set theListSNcom to "curl https://api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.json?user_id=" & theFrindIdNo & " | awk -F '\"screen_name\"' '{print($2)}' | awk -F \",\" '{print($1)}' | awk -F \":\" '{print($2)}'| tr -d '\"'| tr -d ']'| tr -d '}'" as Unicode text
set theUserSN to do shell script theListSNcom
set theUserScreenName to theUserScreenName & theTwitterRss & theUserSN & theTwitterRssExt & "\n"
end repeat

tell application "TextEdit"
make new document with properties {text:theUserScreenName}
end tell




« Upside Down, Left To Right: A Letterpress Film | トップページ | [ColorPicker]アップルのカラービッカーで落とし穴に落ちる..汗 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: [AppleScript]TwitterのApiを使ってフォロワーのRSSを取得する:

« Upside Down, Left To Right: A Letterpress Film | トップページ | [ColorPicker]アップルのカラービッカーで落とし穴に落ちる..汗 »