[Google Chrome]YouTubeのRSS feedを登録するAppleScript
set theURL to "" as Unicode text
set theUserID to "" as Unicode text
set theFLSerRes to "" as Unicode text
set thePLSerRes to "" as Unicode text
set theUserRssURL to "" as Unicode text
set theGoogleReaderURL to "http://www.google.com/reader/view/feed/" as Unicode text
---httpsの場合はこちら---set theGoogleReaderURL to "https://www.google.com/reader/view/feed/" as Unicode text
set theGoogleApiURL to "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/" as Unicode text
---httpsの場合はこちら---set theGoogleApiURL to "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/" as Unicode text
tell application "Google Chrome"
set theURL to URL of active tab of window 1 as Unicode text
end tell
set theSearch to "/user/" as Unicode text
set theSerRes to (offset in theURL of theSearch) as integer
set theFLSearch to "list=FL"
set theFLSerRes to (offset in theURL of theFLSearch) as integer
set thePLSearch to "list=PL"
set thePLSerRes to (offset in theURL of thePLSearch) as integer
set theWaSearch to "watch"
set theWaSerRes to (offset in theURL of theWaSearch) as integer
set theOLDFLgSearch to "g/f"
set theOLDFLgSerRes to (offset in theURL of theOLDFLgSearch) as integer
set theOLDFLpSearch to "p/f"
set theOLDFLpSerRes to (offset in theURL of theOLDFLpSearch) as integer
set theOLDFLpafSearch to "p/a/f"
set theOLDFLpafSerRes to (offset in theURL of theOLDFLpafSearch) as integer
set theOLDPLgSearch to "g/c"
set theOLDPLgSerRes to (offset in theURL of theOLDPLgSearch) as integer
set theOLDPLpSearch to "p/c"
set theOLDPLpSerRes to (offset in theURL of theOLDPLpSearch) as integer
set theOLDPLgrSearch to "grid/user/"
set theOLDPLgrSerRes to (offset in theURL of theOLDPLgrSearch) as integer
set theURLlength to the (length of theURL) as integer
if theSerRes is 0 then
if theWaSerRes > 1 then
set theVidSearch to "v="
set theVidSerRes to (offset in theURL of theVidSearch) as integer
set theVideoID to characters (theVidSerRes + 2) thru (theVidSerRes + 12) of theURL as Unicode text
set theURL to "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" & theVideoID as Unicode text
set theListFLIDcom to "curl " & "'http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=" & theURL & "&format=json'" & " | awk -F\"author_name\" '{print $2}'| awk -F, '{print $1}' | tr -d '\" :'" as Unicode text
set theUserID to do shell script theListFLIDcom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & theGoogleApiURL & theUserID & "/uploads"
--------------------------プレイリストがFavorite videosの場合
else if theFLSerRes > 1 then
set theListFLcom to "curl " & "'http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=" & theURL & "&format=json'" & " | awk -F\"author_name\" '{print $2}'| awk -F, '{print $1}' | tr -d '\" :'" as Unicode text
set theUserID to do shell script theListFLcom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/" & theUserID & "/favorites"
else if thePLSerRes > 1 then
set theListID to characters (thePLSerRes + 7) thru (thePLSerRes + 22) of theURL as Unicode text
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
set theOLDPLSearch to "list="
set theOLDPLSerRes to offset in theURL of theOLDPLSearch
if theOLDPLSearch > 1 then
set theListID to characters (theOLDPLSerRes + 5) thru (theOLDPLSerRes + 20) of theURL as Unicode text
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
set theListFLIDcom to "curl " & "'http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=" & theURL & "&format=json'" & " | awk -F\"author_name\" '{print $2}'| awk -F, '{print $1}' | tr -d '\" :'" as Unicode text
set theUserID to do shell script theListFLIDcom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & theGoogleApiURL & theUserID & "/uploads"
end if
end if
--------------------------古いチャンネルタイプのプレイリストがFavorite videosの場合
if theOLDFLgSerRes > 1 then
set theUserChCom to "echo " & theURL & " | awk -F/ '{print $5}'| awk -F# '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/#g//'"
set theUserID to do shell script theUserChCom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/" & theUserID & "/favorites"
else if theOLDFLpSerRes > 1 then
set theUserChCom to "echo " & theURL & " | awk -F/ '{print $5}'| awk -F? '{print $1}'| sed -e 's/#p//'"
set theUserID to do shell script theUserChCom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/" & theUserID & "/favorites"
else if theOLDFLpafSerRes > 1 then
set theUserChCom to "echo " & theURL & " | awk -F/ '{print $5}'| awk -F? '{print $1}'| sed -e 's/#p//'"
set theUserID to do shell script theUserChCom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/" & theUserID & "/favorites"
else if theOLDPLgSerRes > 1 then
set theListID to characters (theURLlength - 15) thru (theURLlength) of theURL as Unicode text
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
else if theOLDPLpSerRes > 1 then
set theListID to characters (theURLlength - 15) thru (theURLlength) of theURL as Unicode text
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
else if theOLDPLgrSerRes > 1 then
set theListID to characters (theURLlength - 15) thru (theURLlength) of theURL as Unicode text
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
set theUserChCom to "echo " & theURL & " | awk -F/ '{print $5}'| awk -F# '{print $1}'"
set theUserID to do shell script theUserChCom
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & theGoogleApiURL & theUserID & "/uploads"
end if
end if
tell application "Google Chrome"
make new window
tell window 1
tell active tab
open location theUserRssURL
end tell
end tell
end tell
| 固定リンク
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「YouTube Rss」カテゴリの記事
- YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルアップロードFEEDを取得する(2012.01.20)
- [Google Chrome]YouTubeのRSS feedを登録するAppleScript(2012.01.20)
- [Safari]YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルのRSSを登録するAppleScript 新旧混在版(2012.01.19)
- [Safari]YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルのRSSを登録するAppleScriptその2(2012.01.19)
- [Safari]YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルのRSSを登録するAppleScript(2012.01.18)