set theURL to ""
set theUserID to ""
set theGoogleReaderURL to "https://www.google.com/reader/view/feed/"
tell application "Safari"
set theURL to (URL of document 1) as Unicode text
end tell
set theSearch to "v="
set theSerRes to offset in theURL of theSearch
if theSerRes is 0 then
set theNewListSearch to "playlist"
set theNewListRes to offset in theURL of theNewListSearch
if theNewListRes is 0 then
set theUserChCom to "echo " & theURL & " | awk -F/ '{print $5}'| awk -F# '{print $1}'"
set theUserID to do shell script theUserChCom
set theListSearch to "list=PL"
set theListRes to offset in theURL of theListSearch
if theListRes is 0 then
set theListRes to ""
set theListSearch to "list="
set theListRes to offset in theURL of theListSearch
set theListID to characters (theListRes + 5) thru (theListRes + 20) of theURL as Unicode text
set theListAtomURL to "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
set theCURLcom to "curl " & theListAtomURL & " | sed -e 's/<name>/¤/' | sed -e 's/<\\/name>/¤/' | awk -F¤ '{print $2}' | tr '\n' '^' | awk -F^ '{print $1}'" as Unicode text
set theUserID to do shell script theCURLcom
set theListID to characters (theListRes + 7) thru (theListRes + 22) of theURL as Unicode text
set theListAtomURL to "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/" & theListID & "?v=2"
set theCURLcom to "curl " & theListAtomURL & " | sed -e 's/<name>/¤/' | sed -e 's/<\\/name>/¤/' | awk -F¤ '{print $2}' | tr '\n' '^' | awk -F^ '{print $1}'" as Unicode text
set theUserID to do shell script theCURLcom
end if
end if
set theVideoID to characters (theSerRes + 2) thru (theSerRes + 12) of theURL as Unicode text
set theAtomURL to "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/" & theVideoID & "?v=2"
set theCURLcom to "curl " & theAtomURL & " | sed -e 's/<name>/¤/' | sed -e 's/<\\/name>/¤/' | awk -F¤ '{print $2}'" as Unicode text
set theUserID to do shell script theCURLcom
end if
set theUserRssURL to theGoogleReaderURL & "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/" & theUserID & "/uploads"
tell application "Safari"
make new document
delay 1
tell window 1
open location theUserRssURL
end tell
end tell
| 固定リンク
- 濁音 半濁音 置換用レコード(2023.08.21)
- [AppleScript]キーノートの書類サイズを指定して作成(2022.01.09)
- [awk]行頭のスペースを削除する(subで置き換え)(2021.11.16)
- [SpotLight]選択範囲でSpotLight検索(2021.11.03)
- [AppleScript]リソースフォーク(カスタムアイコン)削除(2021.10.12)
「YouTube Rss」カテゴリの記事
- YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルアップロードFEEDを取得する(2012.01.20)
- [Google Chrome]YouTubeのRSS feedを登録するAppleScript(2012.01.20)
- [Safari]YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルのRSSを登録するAppleScript 新旧混在版(2012.01.19)
- [Safari]YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルのRSSを登録するAppleScriptその2(2012.01.19)
- [Safari]YouTubeのユーザーチャンネルのRSSを登録するAppleScript(2012.01.18)