display dialog "ShareからコピーしたURLを入力" default answer "" with icon 1 default button 2
set theGetUrl to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set theYoutubeResult to theGetUrl contains "youtube.com"
set theYoutuResult to theGetUrl contains "youtu.be"
if theYoutuResult is true then
set theVidCom to "echo " & quoted form of theGetUrl & "| awk -F \"youtu.be/\" '{print($2)}' |awk -F \"&\" '{print($1)}' " as text
set theVid to do shell script theVidCom as text
log theVid
else if theYoutubeResult is true then
set theVidCom to "echo " & quoted form of theGetUrl & "| awk -F \"v=\" '{print($2)}' |awk -F \"&\" '{print($1)}' " as text
set theVid to do shell script theVidCom as text
log theVid
end if
--------------------------エンベッドコードの縦横サイズ 任意
set h_width to "640" as number
set v_hight to "390" as integer
set HTMLtag to "" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "<object width=\"" & h_width & "\" height=\"" & v_hight & "\">" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/" & theVid as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=2\"></param>" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\"></param>" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "<embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/" & theVid as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=2\" " as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" " as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "allowScriptAccess=\"always\" width=\"" & h_width as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "\" height=\"" & v_hight & "\"></embed>" as Unicode text
set HTMLtag to HTMLtag & "</object>" as Unicode text
display dialog "タグが出来ましたコピーしてください" default answer HTMLtag with icon 1 default button 1
log HTMLtag
| 固定リンク
- [YouTube]PDFにYouTubeを埋め込む方法(スクリプト修正)(2013.02.28)
- [YouTube]PDFにYouTubeを埋め込む方法(2010.11.29)
- [PDF]YouTubeOnPDF【クリスマスカード】(2010.12.02)
- [YouTube]YouTubeを再生するPDFを作る(2010.11.29)
- [YouTube]PDF上でYouTubeが再生出来ない場合のチェックポイント(2010.11.29)