[AppleScripts]GoogleMapのURLからAdobe Bridge用のGPS用の値を作る【v4新しいGoogleMapのURL対応】
2014年 新しくなったGoogleMapのURL用
True 著作を有している
False 著作フリー又は無し
set theRights to "True" as «class utf8»
set theWebStatement to "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.ja" as «class utf8»
set theDcRights to "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0" as «class utf8»
set theUsageTerms to "商用利用はお問い合わせ下さい" as «class utf8»
set theCiUrlWork to "https://force4u.cocolog-nifty.com/" as «class utf8»
set theXmpFileName to "" as text
set theSearchTXT to ""
set theOrgGoogleMapUrl to "https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%9A%E3%83%A9%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B9/@-33.856731,151.215133,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x6b12ae665e892fdd:0x3133f8d75a1ac251" as «class utf8»
display dialog "GoogleMapのURLをペーストしてください" default answer the theOrgGoogleMapUrl with icon 1 with title "GoogleMapのURLをペーストしてください" default button 1
copy the result as list to {the theOrgGoogleMapUrl, BottPressNo}
set theOrgGoogleMapUrl to theOrgGoogleMapUrl as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"/"}
set listGoogleMapUrl to every text item of theOrgGoogleMapUrl as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
if theOrgGoogleMapUrl contains "/search/" then
set theSearchTXT to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theOrgGoogleMapUrl & "| awk -F \"search/\" '{print($2)}' |awk -F \"/\" '{print($1)}' " as «class utf8»
set theSearchTXT to my doDecodeURL(theSearchTXT) as «class utf8»
end if
if theOrgGoogleMapUrl contains "/place/" then
set theSearchTXT to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theOrgGoogleMapUrl & "| awk -F \"place/\" '{print($2)}' |awk -F \"/\" '{print($1)}' " as «class utf8»
set theSearchTXT to my doDecodeURL(theSearchTXT) as «class utf8»
end if
if theOrgGoogleMapUrl does not contain "@" then
display alert "新しいGoogleMapのURLではありません"
error "URLに@が含まれていません" number -128
end if
set numLine to 1 as number
set theLineData to (item numLine of listGoogleMapUrl) as text
if theLineData contains "@" then
set theGoogleLlNoList to theLineData as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
set listGoogleLlNoList to every text item of theGoogleLlNoList as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theLatitude to item 1 of listGoogleLlNoList as text
set theLatitude to doReplace(theLatitude, "@", "")
if theLatitude contains "-" then
set theLatitude to doReplace(theLatitude, "-", "")
end if
set theLongitude to item 2 of listGoogleLlNoList as text
if theLongitude contains "-" then
set theLongitude to doReplace(theLongitude, "-", "")
end if
set theSrtm to item 3 of listGoogleLlNoList as text
set theSrtm to doReplace(theSrtm, "z", "")
set theIntegerLatitude to theLatitude div 1 as string
set theLatitude to (text 2 thru 8 of (((theLatitude mod 1) as string) & "000000") as string)
set theLatitude to theIntegerLatitude & theLatitude
set theDecimalLatitudeA to (((theLatitude as number) - (theIntegerLatitude as number)) as number) * 60
set theIntegerDecimalLatitudeA to theDecimalLatitudeA div 1 as integer
set theDecimalLatitudeB to (((theDecimalLatitudeA as number) - (theIntegerDecimalLatitudeA as number)) as number) * 100 as integer
set theIntegerLatitude to doZeroSuppress(theIntegerLatitude)
set theIntegerDecimalLatitudeA to doZeroSuppress(theIntegerDecimalLatitudeA)
set theDecimalLatitudeB to doZeroSuppress(theDecimalLatitudeB)
-----値がマイナスなら 南緯 マイナスが無ければ 北緯
if (item 1 of listGoogleLlNoList) contains "-" then
set theLatitude to theIntegerLatitude & "," & theIntegerDecimalLatitudeA & "." & theDecimalLatitudeB & "S" as «class utf8»
set theLatitude to theIntegerLatitude & "," & theIntegerDecimalLatitudeA & "." & theDecimalLatitudeB & "N" as «class utf8»
end if
set theIntegerLongitude to theLongitude div 1 as string
set theLongitude to (text 2 thru 8 of (((theLongitude mod 1) as string) & "000000") as string)
set theLongitude to theIntegerLongitude & theLongitude
set theDecimalLongitudeA to (((theLongitude as number) - (theIntegerLongitude as number)) as number) * 60
set theIntegerDecimalLongitudeA to theDecimalLongitudeA div 1 as integer
set theDecimalLongitudeB to (((theDecimalLongitudeA as number) - (theIntegerDecimalLongitudeA as number)) as number) * 100 as integer
set theIntegerLongitude to doZeroSuppress(theIntegerLongitude)
set theIntegerDecimalLongitudeA to doZeroSuppress(theIntegerDecimalLongitudeA)
set theDecimalLongitudeB to doZeroSuppress(theDecimalLongitudeB)
-----値がマイナスなら 西経 マイナスが無ければ 東経
if (item 2 of listGoogleLlNoList) contains "-" then
set theLongitude to theIntegerLongitude & "," & theIntegerDecimalLongitudeA & "." & theDecimalLongitudeB & "W" as «class utf8»
set theLongitude to theIntegerLongitude & "," & theIntegerDecimalLongitudeA & "." & theDecimalLongitudeB & "E" as «class utf8»
end if
end if
on error
exit repeat
end try
set numLine to numLine + 1 as number
end repeat
set tneAns to theLatitude & "\n" & theLongitude & "\n" & theSrtm & "m"
display dialog "Bridge用のGPSの値です" default answer the tneAns with icon 1 with title "Adobe Bridge 用GPS値" default button 1 buttons {"XMPファイルも作る", " 終了 "}
if button returned of the result is "XMPファイルも作る" then
do shell script "date > /tmp/ApplicationChk.xmp"
set theTmpXmpFile to (the path to startup disk as string) & "tmp:ApplicationChk.xmp" as alias
set theFileInfo to default application of (info for theTmpXmpFile) as string
if (theFileInfo contains "Bridge") is false then
display alert "XMPファイルがAdobe Bridgeに関連づけられていません"
else if (theFileInfo contains "Bridge") is true then
set theSaveXmpPath to (the path to application support from user domain as text) & "Adobe:XMP:Metadata Templates:"
if theSearchTXT is "" then
set theDateTime to (do shell script "date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'" as string)
set theXmpFileName to (theLatitude & "_" & theLongitude & "_" & theDateTime & ".xmp") as «class utf8»
set theXmpFileName to my doReplace(theXmpFileName, ",", ".") as «class utf8»
set theGooogleMapQ to theLatitude & " " & theLongitude
set theXmpFileName to (theSearchTXT & ".xmp") as «class utf8»
end if
set theXMPline to "<?xpacket begin=\"\" id=\"W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d\"?>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta/\" x:xmptk=\"Adobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27\">\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\">\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmlns:xmpRights=\"http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/rights/\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmpRights:WebStatement=\"" & theWebStatement & "\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmpRights:Marked=\"" & theRights & "\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmlns:photoshop=\"http://ns.adobe.com/photoshop/1.0/\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmlns:Iptc4xmpCore=\"http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/xmlns/\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmlns:Iptc4xmpExt=\"http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpExt/2008-02-29/\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " xmlns:exif=\"http://ns.adobe.com/exif/1.0/\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " photoshop:Instructions=\"" & theXmpFileName & "\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " Iptc4xmpCore:Location=\"" & theXmpFileName & "\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " exif:GPSLatitude=\"" & theLatitude & "\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " exif:GPSProcessingMethod=\"MANUAL\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " exif:GPSAltitude=\"" & theSrtm & " m\"\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " exif:GPSLongitude=\"" & theLongitude & "\">\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " <dc:subject>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " <rdf:Bag>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " <rdf:li>" & theXmpFileName & "</rdf:li>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " </rdf:Bag>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " </dc:subject>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " <Iptc4xmpExt:LocationShown>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " <rdf:Bag>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " <rdf:li\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " Iptc4xmpExt:Sublocation=\"" & theXmpFileName & "\"/>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " </rdf:Bag>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " </Iptc4xmpExt:LocationShown>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<dc:rights>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<rdf:Alt>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<rdf:li xml:lang=\"x-default\">" & theDcRights & "</rdf:li>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "</rdf:Alt>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "</dc:rights>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<xmpRights:UsageTerms>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<rdf:Alt>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<rdf:li xml:lang=\"x-default\">" & theUsageTerms & "</rdf:li>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "</rdf:Alt>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "</xmpRights:UsageTerms>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " Iptc4xmpCore:CiUrlWork=\"" & theCiUrlWork & "\"/>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " </rdf:Description>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & " </rdf:RDF>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "</x:xmpmeta>\n" as «class utf8»
set theXMPline to theXMPline & "<?xpacket end=\"w\"?>\n" as «class utf8»
tell application "Finder"
make new file at (theSaveXmpPath) with properties {name:theXmpFileName}
set aliasXmlFileAlias to (theSaveXmpPath & theXmpFileName) as alias
set theXmlFileAlias to aliasXmlFileAlias as text
set numFileChk to 1
on error
make new file at (theSaveXmpPath) with properties {name:(theDateTime & "_" & theXmpFileName)}
set aliasXmlFileAlias to (theSaveXmpPath & (theDateTime & "_" & theXmpFileName)) as alias
set theXmlFileAlias to aliasXmlFileAlias as text
set numFileChk to 2
delete (theSaveXmpPath & theXmpFileName) as alias
end try
end try
end tell
if numFileChk is 1 then
set theData to open for access file theXmlFileAlias with write permission
write theXMPline to theData as «class utf8»
close theData
on error
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theXMPline & " >> " & quoted form of (POSIX path of theXmlFileAlias)
end try
else if numFileChk is 2 then
set theData to open for access file theXmlFileAlias with write permission
write theXMPline to theData as «class utf8»
close theData
end if
tell application "Finder"
set file type of aliasXmlFileAlias to "XML "
set creator type of aliasXmlFileAlias to "Brdg"
set label index of aliasXmlFileAlias to 4
open folder theSaveXmpPath
end tell
end if
else if button returned of the result is "終了" then
end if
to doReplace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end doReplace
on doDecodeURL(theUrlEncodeText)
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "¥n", "") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "\\n", "") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "¥r", "") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "\\r", "") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, return, "") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "\\", "¥") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "'", "\\'") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "\"", "\\\"") as «class utf8»
set theUrlEncodeText to my doReplace(theUrlEncodeText, "`", "\\`") as «class utf8»
set theScpt to ("echo \"<?php print(urldecode('" & theUrlEncodeText & "'));?>\" | php")
return do shell script theScpt as «class utf8»
end doDecodeURL
to doZeroSuppress(n)
if n < 10 then
return "0" & n
return n as text
end if
end doZeroSuppress
| 固定リンク
- AOM(Adobe Output Module)インストーラーちょっと直し(2017.04.10)
- AOM(Adobe Output Module)インストーラーCC2017対応版(2016.11.04)
- Install the Adobe Output Module for Bridge CC 2015 version 6.3(2016.08.31)
- Install the Adobe Output Module for Bridge CC 6.2(2016.08.31)
- Install_Adobe_Output_Module_CC2015.scpt(2016.07.23)