« BridgeCC2015の出力パネル|AOM(Adobe Output Module) | トップページ | [Adobe]バンドルフォントのライセンス »


BridgeCC2015の出力パネル|AOM(Adobe Output Module)をインストールします

AOM(Adobe Output Module)インストーラー
20160723 Install_Adobe_Output_Module_CC2015 初回作成

AOM(Adobe Output Module)Mac版は
Bridge Help / Install Adobe Output Module

tell application "AppleScript Editor"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "3" using {command down}
end try
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "l" using {option down, command down}
end try
end tell

-----Bridge CC 2015 のインストール判定
set theLocalSuppDir to (path to application support folder from local domain) as text
set theLocalSuppBrCCdir to (theLocalSuppDir & "Adobe:Bridge CC 2015 Extensions:") as text
set aliasLocalSuppBrCCdir to theLocalSuppBrCCdir as alias
on error
return "BridgeCC2015が未インストールです"
end try

set theNowTime to (my doDateAndTIme(current date)) as text
set theTrashDir to ("/tmp/" & theNowTime) as text

set theCommand to ("mkdir -pv " & theTrashDir) as text
do shell script theCommand
set theTmpPath to theTrashDir as text
delay 1
on error
return "テンポラリフォルダ作成でエラーが発生しました"
end try

set theCommand to ("curl -L -o '" & theTmpPath & "/AOM_Package_Mac.zip' 'https://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/bridge/kb/install-output-module-bridge-cc/_jcr_content/main-pars/download_1/file.res/AOM_Package_Mac.zip'") as text
do shell script theCommand
delay 1
on error
return "ダウンロードでエラーが発生しました"
end try
set theCommand to ("unzip '" & theTmpPath & "/AOM_Package_Mac.zip' -d '" & theTmpPath & "'") as text
do shell script theCommand
delay 1
on error
return "ファイルの解凍でエラーが発生しました"
end try
set theCommand to ("sudo mkdir -p '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("sudo mkdir -p '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Workspaces'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try
set theCommand to ("sudo mv -f '" & theTmpPath & "/AOM_Mac/AdobeOutputModule.workspace' '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Workspaces'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try
set theCommand to ("sudo mv -f '" & theTmpPath & "/AOM_Mac/Adobe Output Module' '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
set theCommand to ("sudo mv -f '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Adobe Output Module' '" & theTmpPath & "'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("sudo mv -f '" & theTmpPath & "/AOM_Mac/Adobe Output Module' '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
end try
set theCommand to ("sudo chown -Rf root '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Adobe Output Module'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("sudo chgrp -Rf staff '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Adobe Output Module'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("sudo chmod -Rf 775 '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Adobe Output Module'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
return "アクセス権修正でエラーが発生しました"
end try
set theCommand to ("sudo chown -Rf root '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Workspaces/AdobeOutputModule.workspace'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("sudo chgrp -Rf staff '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Workspaces/AdobeOutputModule.workspace'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("sudo chmod -Rf 775 '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/Workspaces/AdobeOutputModule.workspace'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
return "アクセス権修正でエラーが発生しました"
end try
set theUserBridgeDir to path to application support folder from user domain
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/Support'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Adobe/Bridge CC 2015' '" & theTmpPath & "/Support'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try

set theUserBridgeDir to path to application support folder from user domain
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/Common'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Adobe/Common' '" & theTmpPath & "/Common'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try
set theUserBridgeDir to path to preferences folder from user domain
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/Preferences'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Adobe/Bridge' '" & theTmpPath & "/Preferences'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try
set theUserBridgeDir to path to preferences folder from user domain
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/Preferences'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "com.adobe.bridge6.3.plist' '" & theTmpPath & "/Preferences'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try
set theUserBridgeDir to path to library folder from user domain
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/Caches'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Caches/Adobe' '" & theTmpPath & "/Caches'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try
-----Cachesクリア Bridge CC 2015 version 6.3
set theUserBridgeDir to path to library folder from user domain
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath2015 & "/Caches'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Caches/com.adobe.bridge6.3' '" & theTmpPath2015 & "/Caches'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try

-----temporary itemsクリア
set theUserBridgeDir to path to temporary items
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/TemporaryItems'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Adobe' '" & theTmpPath & "/TemporaryItems'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try

-----temporary itemsクリア
set theUserBridgeDir to path to temporary items
set theUserBridgeDir to (POSIX path of theUserBridgeDir) as text
set theCommand to ("mkdir -p '" & theTmpPath & "/TemporaryItems'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
set theCommand to ("mv -f '" & theUserBridgeDir & "Adobe Output Module' '" & theTmpPath & "/TemporaryItems'") as text
do shell script theCommand with administrator privileges
on error
end try

return "AOM(Adobe Output Module)のインストールが終了しました\rブリッジを起動させて出力パネルを確認してください\rテンポラリフォルダの中身は次回起動時に消去されます"

to doDateAndTIme(theDate)
set y to (year of theDate)
set m to my monthNumStr(month of theDate)
set d to day of theDate
set hms to time of theDate
set hh to h of sec2hms(hms)
set mm to m of sec2hms(hms)
set ss to s of sec2hms(hms)
return (y as text) & my zero1(m) & my zero1(d) & "_" & zero1(hh) & zero1(mm) & zero1(ss)
return (y as text) & my zero1(m) & my zero1(d)
end doDateAndTIme

to monthNumStr(theMonth)
set monList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
repeat with i from 1 to 12
if item i of monList is theMonth then exit repeat
end repeat
return i
end monthNumStr
to sec2hms(sec)
set ret to {h:0, m:0, s:0}
set h of ret to sec div hours
set m of ret to (sec - (h of ret) * hours) div minutes
set s of ret to sec mod minutes
return ret
end sec2hms
to zero1(n)
if n < 10 then
return "0" & n
return n as text
end if
end zero1



« BridgeCC2015の出力パネル|AOM(Adobe Output Module) | トップページ | [Adobe]バンドルフォントのライセンス »

