横x縦 解像度 カラー を付加します
---■■■■ ダブルクリックの始まり
on run
set theWithPrompt to "画像ファイルをリネームします"
set theDownloadsFolderPath to path to downloads folder from user domain
---Uniform Type Identifier指定
---詳しくは http://goo.gl/6jAQa Uniform Type Identifier
set theFileType to "public.image,com.adobe.pdf,com.adobe.photoshop-image" as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
set theFileTypeList to every text item of theFileType
open (choose file default location theDownloadsFolderPath ¬
with prompt theWithPrompt ¬
of type theFileTypeList ¬
invisibles true ¬
with multiple selections allowed without showing package contents)
end run
---■■■■ openドロップの始まり
on open DropObj
set theSepDe to "_"
tell application "Finder"
---■■■■ 繰り返しの始まり
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj
set theAlias to ObjFiles as alias
set theFileInfo to info for ObjFiles as alias
set theOrgMoviePath to POSIX path of ObjFiles as text
set theAliasPath to theAlias as text
set theName to (name of theFileInfo) as text
set theNameExtension to (name extension of theFileInfo) as text
set theDirName to my doReplace(theAliasPath, theName, "") as text
set theDirPath to POSIX path of theDirName as text
set theColorSpace to ""
set numImgWidthRes to ""
set numImgHeightRes to ""
set numImgWidth to ""
set numImgHeight to ""
set theFileType to ""
tell application "Image Events"
set objImg to open theAlias
tell objImg
end tell
set theColorSpace to (color space of objImg) as text
end try
set {numImgWidthRes, numImgHeightRes} to resolution of objImg as list
set numImgWidthRes to (numImgWidthRes as integer) as text
set numImgHeightRes to (numImgHeightRes as integer) as text
if numImgWidthRes is not numImgHeightRes then
return "正方形ピクセルではありません"
end if
end try
set {numImgWidth, numImgHeight} to dimensions of objImg as list
set numImgWidth to (item 1 of numImgWidth) as text
set numImgHeight to (item 2 of numImgHeight) as text
end try
set theFileType to file type of objImg as text
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"."}
set listName to (every text item of theName) as list
set theFileName to (item 1 of listName) as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theNewFileName to theFileName & theSepDe & numImgWidth & "x" & numImgHeight & theSepDe & numImgWidthRes & "ppi" & theSepDe & theColorSpace & "." & theNameExtension as text
tell application "Finder"
set name of file theName of folder theDirName to theNewFileName
end try
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end open
to doReplace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end doReplace
| 固定リンク
- 【Rename】AppleScriptでリネーム3種(2021.03.12)
- 画像ファイル名をリネームする(2016.07.09)
- [okwave]Applescriptでファイル名の一部を置換(2013.04.04)
- [AppleScript]ファイル名のリネーム シンプル版(2010.09.09)
- [AppleScript]ファイル名のリネーム(2010.07.28)