20180120 初回作成
---フォルダ名 と 連番をツナグ文字
set theFileNameSep to "_"
tell application "Finder"
display alert "主名称+連番形式でフォルダを作成します\n\n最初のダイアログで『主名称』\n次のダイアログで『何個』作るか指定してください\n最後のダイアログで作成場所を指定します" as informational
end tell
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "主名称を入力してください" default answer "NewFolderName" with icon 1 default button 2
if button returned of the result is "OK" then
set theFolderNameText to text returned of the result as text
return "終了"
end if
display dialog "何個作りますか?(半角数字にしてね)" default answer "10" with icon 1 default button 2
if button returned of the result is "OK" then
set numMakeNumber to text returned of the result as number
return "終了"
end if
set aliasMakeDir to (choose folder with prompt "フォルダを作る場所を指定してください" default location (path to desktop folder from user domain)) as alias
end tell
set numFileNumber to 1 as number
set theCntNo to the length of characters of (numMakeNumber as text) as number
repeat numMakeNumber times
if theCntNo = 2 then
if numFileNumber < 10 then
set theFcount to "0" & numFileNumber as text
set theFcount to numFileNumber as text
end if
else if theCntNo = 3 then
if numFileNumber < 10 then
set theFcount to "00" & numFileNumber as text
else if numFileNumber < 100 then
set theFcount to "0" & numFileNumber as text
set theFcount to numMakeNumber as text
end if
else if theCntNo = 4 then
if numFileNumber < 10 then
set theFcount to "000" & numFileNumber as text
else if numFileNumber < 100 then
set theFcount to "00" & numFileNumber as text
else if numFileNumber < 1000 then
set theFcount to "0" & numFileNumber as text
set theFcount to numFileNumber as text
end if
set theFcount to numFileNumber as text
end if
---フォルダ名整形(名称 ツナギ文字 連番)
set theMakeFolderName to (theFolderNameText & theFileNameSep & theFcount) as text
---フォルダ名整形(連番 ツナギ文字 名称)
---set theMakeFolderName to (theFcount & theFileNameSep & theFolderNameText) as text
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at aliasMakeDir with properties {name:theMakeFolderName}
end tell
set numFileNumber to numFileNumber + 1 as number
end repeat
| 固定リンク
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