« [AppleScript Basic]Dock関連の値を取得する | トップページ | [Acrobat]新規空白ページを追加する »

[Acrobat AppleScripts]アプリケーションの画面サイズ


tell application "Finder"
set theWindowSize to (bounds of window of desktop) as list
set theDesktopWidth to (item 3 of theWindowSize) as number
set theDesktopHight to (item 4 of theWindowSize) as number
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Dock"
set {dockWidth, dockHeight} to the size of list 1
end tell
tell dock preferences
set theScreenEdge to screen edge as text
set theAutohide to autohide as text
end tell
end tell

set theStatusMenuShowHide to (do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults read NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar") as number

if theStatusMenuShowHide is 0 then
set theMenuBarHight to 22 as number
set theMenuBarHight to 0 as number
end if
tell application "Adobe Acrobat"
open (choose file of type {"com.adobe.pdf"})
tell active doc
set theDocBounds to bounds as list
end tell
set theDocBounds01 to (item 1 of theDocBounds) as number
set theDocBounds02 to (item 2 of theDocBounds) as number
set theDocBounds03 to (item 3 of theDocBounds) as number
set theDocBounds04 to (item 4 of theDocBounds) as number
if theAutohide is "false" then
if theScreenEdge is "bottom" then
set theDockSize to dockHeight as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, theDesktopWidth, (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight - theDockSize)}
set theDockSize to dockWidth as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, (theDesktopWidth - theDockSize), (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight)}
end if
if theScreenEdge is "bottom" then
set theDockSize to dockHeight as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, theDesktopWidth, (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight)}
set theDockSize to dockWidth as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, (theDesktopWidth), (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight)}
end if
end if
tell active doc
set bounds to theAcroWindowBounds
end tell
end tell

ダウンロード - acrobatbounds.zip


« [AppleScript Basic]Dock関連の値を取得する | トップページ | [Acrobat]新規空白ページを追加する »

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