« 【用語】Display P3 | トップページ | 【Acrobat】Acrobatフォームでデータ印字(その5) »

【Acrobat AppleScripts】フルスクリーン開始




20210805 思い出して再作成

set theList to {"UncoverLeft", "UncoverRight", "UncoverDown", "UncoverUp", "UncoverLeftDown", "UncoverLeftUp", "UncoverRightDown", "UncoverRightUp", "CoverLeft", "CoverRight", "CoverDown", "CoverUp", "CoverLeftDown", "CoverLeftUp", "CoverRightDown", "CoverRightUp", "PushLeft", "PushRight", "PushDown", "PushUp", "PushLeftDown", "PushLeftUp", "PushRightDown", "PushRightUp", "FlyInRight", "FlyInLeft", "FlyInDown", "FlyInUp", "FlyOutRight", "FlyOutLeft", "FlyOutDown", "FlyOutUp", "FlyIn", "FlyOut", "Blend", "Fade", "Random", "Dissolve", "GlitterRight", "GlitterDown", "GlitterRightDown", "BoxIn", "BoxOut", "BlindsHorizontal", "BlindsVertical", "SplitHorizontalIn", "SplitHorizontalOut", "SplitVerticalIn", "SplitVerticalOut", "WipeLeft", "WipeRight", "WipeDown", "WipeUp", "WipeLeftDown", "WipeLeftUp", "WipeRightDown", "WipeRightUp", "Replace", "ZoomInDown", "ZoomInLeft", "ZoomInLeftDown", "ZoomInLeftUp", "ZoomInRight", "ZoomInRightDown", "ZoomInRightUp", "ZoomInUp", "ZoomOutDown", "ZoomOutLeft", "ZoomOutLeftDown", "ZoomOutLeftUp", "ZoomOutRight", "ZoomOutRightDown", "ZoomOutRightUp", "ZoomOutUp", "CombHorizontal", "CombVertical"} as list

tell application "Finder"
set theChoices to theList
set theTransition to choose from list theChoices with prompt "トランジッションを選んでください" default items {"Random"}
set theTransition to theTransition as text
end tell
log theTransition

tell application "Finder"
set objDialog to (display dialog "ページ送り秒(半角数字で)" default answer "5" giving up after 20 with title "ページ送り秒")
set numSecPage to (text returned of objDialog) as text
set numSecPage to (numSecPage + numSecPage) / 2 as integer
on error
set numSecPage to "5" as integer
end try
end tell
log numSecPage

tell application "Finder"
set listRGBcolor to (choose color default color {65535, 65535, 65535})
end tell

set theR to ((item 1 of listRGBcolor) / 65535) as number
set theG to ((item 2 of listRGBcolor) / 65535) as number
set theB to ((item 3 of listRGBcolor) / 65535) as number

tell application "Adobe Acrobat"

tell window 1

do script "app.fs.defaultTransition = \"" & theTransition & "\";"
do script "app.toolbar = false;"
do script "app.fs.cursor = cursor.visible;"
do script "app.fs.clickAdvances = true;"
do script "app.fs.useTimer = true;"
do script "app.fs.usePageTiming = true;"
do script "app.fs.loop = true;"
do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"RGB\"," & theR & ", " & theG & "," & theB & "];"

---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"CMYK\", 1, 0, 0,0];"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"RGB\", 1, 0, 0];"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"RGB\",0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5];"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = color.white;"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"G\", 0.5,0.2];"
do script "app.fs.timeDelay = \"" & numSecPage & "\";"

do script "app.execMenuItem(\"FullScreenMode\");"

end tell

end tell


« 【用語】Display P3 | トップページ | 【Acrobat】Acrobatフォームでデータ印字(その5) »

Acrobat AppleScripts」カテゴリの記事