CotEditor用とJedit Ω用
tell application "Jedit Ω"
tell front document
set TheTextToEncode to selected text
end tell
end tell
set TheTextToEncode to my doReplace(TheTextToEncode, "'", "\\'")
set TheTextToEncode to my doReplace(TheTextToEncode, "\"", "\\\"")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to do shell script ("echo \"<?php print(htmlentities('" & TheTextToEncode & "'));?>\" | php")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to my doReplace(theHtmlEntitiesText, "\r", "\n")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to my doReplace(theHtmlEntitiesText, " ", " ")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to my doReplace(theHtmlEntitiesText, "\t", "	")
tell application "Jedit Ω"
tell front document
set selected text to theHtmlEntitiesText
end tell
end tell
to doReplace(theText, theOrgStr, theNewStr)
set theOldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theOrgStr
set theTmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theNewStr
set theReplaceStr to theTmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theOldDelim
return theReplaceStr
end doReplace
tell application "CotEditor"
tell front document
set TheTextToEncode to contents of selection
end tell
end tell
set TheTextToEncode to my doReplace(TheTextToEncode, "'", "\\'")
set TheTextToEncode to my doReplace(TheTextToEncode, "\"", "\\\"")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to do shell script ("echo \"<?php print(htmlentities('" & TheTextToEncode & "'));?>\" | php")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to my doReplace(theHtmlEntitiesText, "\r", "\n")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to my doReplace(theHtmlEntitiesText, " ", " ")
set theHtmlEntitiesText to my doReplace(theHtmlEntitiesText, "\t", "	")
tell application "CotEditor"
tell front document
set contents of selection to theHtmlEntitiesText
end tell
end tell
to doReplace(theText, theOrgStr, theNewStr)
set theOldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theOrgStr
set theTmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theNewStr
set theReplaceStr to theTmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theOldDelim
return theReplaceStr
end doReplace
| 固定リンク
- htmlentities(2021.10.04)
- 【Jedit Ω】選択HTMLをhtmlentities変換してBLOG等に貼り付けられるようにする(2021.09.12)
- AppleScriptでの改行(2011.12.24)
- [make new document] properties付きでドキュメントを作る(2011.12.23)