【QR】アドレス帳登録用のQRコードを作る(Google Chart利用)
【QR】アドレス帳登録用のQRコードを作る(Google Chart利用)
on encodeURL(str)
set scpt to "php -r 'echo urlencode(\"" & str & "\");'"
return do shell script scpt
end encodeURL
on encodeURL(str)
set scpt to ("python3 -c 'import urllib.parse;[print(urllib.parse.quote(\"" & str & "\", safe=\"/:;#!?=\"))]'") as text
return do shell script scpt
end encodeURL
ダウンロード - chart.googleapis.com.add.scpt.zip
20190706 初回作成
20190715 phpのエラー処理追加
20211204 phpでの%エンコードの処理をpython3に置き換え
set theNa to "車" as text ---姓
set theNb to "寅次郎" as text ---名
set theOrg to "くるまや" as text ---会社名
set theMailWork to "foo@hoge.com" as text ---メール会社
set theMailHome to "foo-hoge@mobie.com" as text ---メール自宅
set theTelWork to "123-456-7890" as text ---電話会社
set theTelCell to "000-1111-2222" as text --- 電話携帯
set theTelInt to "" as text ---内線
--姓名表示をを整形 半角スペース区切り
set theFN to (theNa & " " & theNb) as text
set theNa to my encodeURL(theNa)
set theNb to my encodeURL(theNb)
set theFN to my encodeURL(theFN)
set theOrg to my encodeURL(theOrg)
----Vカードデータを整形 改行コードはMac
set theChl to "BEGIN:VCARD\rVERSION:3.0\rN:" & theNa & ";" & theNb & ";;;\rFN:" & theFN & "\rORG:" & theOrg & ";\rEMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK;type=pref:" & theMailWork & "\rEMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME:" & theMailHome & "\rTEL;type=WORK;type=pref:" & theTelWork & "\rTEL;type=CELL:" & theTelCell & "\ritem1.TEL:" & theTelInt & "\ritem1.X-ABLabel:内線\rEND:VCARD" as text
set theApiUrl to "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?" as text
set theCht to "qr" as text
set theChs to "504x504" as text
set theChoe to "UTF-8" as text
---L M Q R
set theChld to "Q" as text
set theChl to doReplace(theChl, "+", "%20") as text
set theOpenUrl to ("" & theApiUrl & "&cht=" & theCht & "&chs=" & theChs & "&choe=" & theChoe & "&chld=" & theChld & "&chl=" & theChl & "") as text
set theOpenUrl to doReplace(theOpenUrl, "\r", "%0A") as text
tell application "Safari"
make new document with properties {name:"QR-CODE by Google API"}
tell window 1
open location theOpenUrl
end tell
end tell
on encodeURL(str)
set scpt to ("python3 -c 'import urllib.parse;[print(urllib.parse.quote(\"" & str & "\", safe=\"/:;#!?=\"))]'") as text
return do shell script scpt
end encodeURL
to doReplace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end doReplace
| 固定リンク
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