【Acrobat】Acrobat または Reader にてデフォルトで手のひらツールを利用したい場合について(Mac版)コマンド版
Acrobat または Reader にてデフォルトで手のひらツールを利用したい場合について
Macの場合 項目がData形式なので、そのままテキストでHandとは設定出来ません。
手動でやる場合は以下 値はDATAなので以下 <48616E6400>
Macの場合 項目がData形式なので、そのままテキストでHandとは設定出来ません。
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
Acrobat または Reader にてデフォルトで手のひらツールを利用したい場合についてこちらの記事の Macの場合の対処方法
値はDATAなので以下 <48616E6400>
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property objMe : a reference to current application
property objNSString : a reference to objMe's NSString
property objNSMutableString : a reference to objMe's NSMutableString
property objNSURL : a reference to objMe's NSURL
property objNSNotFound : a reference to 9.22337203685477E+18 + 5807
set objFileManager to objMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
tell application "Finder"
set aliasMe to path to me as alias
log aliasMe as alias
end tell
### UNIXパスに
set strMePath to POSIX path of aliasMe as text
log strMePath as text
### パスをNSStringに
set ocidMePathString to objNSString's stringWithString:strMePath
log ocidMePathString as text
log className() of ocidMePathString as text
### NSString をNSURL
set ocidMePathNSURL to objNSURL's fileURLWithPath:ocidMePathString
log ocidMePathNSURL as text
log className() of ocidMePathNSURL as text
### このファイルがあるディレクトリ
set ocidMePathContainer to ocidMePathNSURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
log ocidMePathContainer as text
log className() of ocidMePathContainer as text
### インポートするデータのパス
set ocidImportDataPath to ocidMePathContainer's URLByAppendingPathComponent:"ImportData/Hand.bin"
log ocidImportDataPath as text
log className() of ocidImportDataPath as text
set strImportDataPath to ocidImportDataPath's |path|() as text
#### ユーザーLibraryパス取得
set ocidUserLibraryPath to (objFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(objMe's NSLibraryDirectory) inDomains:(objMe's NSUserDomainMask))
log ocidUserLibraryPath as text
log className() of ocidUserLibraryPath as text
set ocidNsurlLibraryPath to ocidUserLibraryPath's objectAtIndex:0
log ocidNsurlLibraryPath as text
log className() of ocidNsurlLibraryPath as text
#### コンポーネント追加
set ocidPreferencesPath to ocidNsurlLibraryPath's URLByAppendingPathComponent:"Preferences"
log ocidPreferencesPath as text
log className() of ocidPreferencesPath as text
#### コンポーネント追加
set ocidAcrobatReaderPlistPath to ocidPreferencesPath's URLByAppendingPathComponent:"com.adobe.Reader.plist"
log ocidAcrobatReaderPlistPath as text
log className() of ocidAcrobatReaderPlistPath as text
#### コンポーネント追加
set ocidAcrobatProPlistPath to ocidPreferencesPath's URLByAppendingPathComponent:"com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist"
log ocidAcrobatProPlistPath as text
log className() of ocidAcrobatProPlistPath as text
set strAcrobatProPlistPath to ocidAcrobatProPlistPath's |path|() as text
set strAcrobatReaderPlistPath to ocidAcrobatReaderPlistPath's |path|() as text
log strAcrobatProPlistPath as text
log strAcrobatReaderPlistPath as text
####ファイルの有無 Pro
set boolChkAcrobatProPlistPath to (ocidAcrobatProPlistPath's checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:(missing value))
log boolChkAcrobatProPlistPath as boolean
####ファイルの有無 Reader
set boolChkAcrobatReaderPlistPath to (ocidAcrobatReaderPlistPath's checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:(missing value))
log boolChkAcrobatReaderPlistPath as boolean
if boolChkAcrobatProPlistPath is true then
###まずは 今の値を読み取ります
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1\" \"" & strAcrobatProPlistPath & "\""
set strCommandResult to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
log strCommandResult
on error
log "設定項目が見つかりません"
set strCommandResult to ""
end try
if strCommandResult contains "Hand" then
set strCommandResult to ""
log "設定済みです"
set strCommandResult to ""
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Delete :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1\" \"" & strAcrobatProPlistPath & "\""
do shell script strCommandText
end try
delay 1
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Import :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1 '" & strImportDataPath & "'\" '" & strAcrobatProPlistPath & "'"
do shell script strCommandText
delay 1
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1\" \"" & strAcrobatProPlistPath & "\""
set strCommandResult to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
if strCommandResult contains "Hand" then
log "設定完了"
log "設定に失敗しました"
end if
set strCommandResult to ""
end if
end if
if boolChkAcrobatReaderPlistPath is true then
###まずは 今の値を読み取ります
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1\" \"" & strAcrobatReaderPlistPath & "\""
set strCommandResult to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
log strCommandResult
on error
log "設定項目が見つかりません"
set strCommandResult to ""
end try
if strCommandResult contains "Hand" then
log "設定済みです"
set strCommandResult to ""
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Delete :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1\" \"" & strAcrobatReaderPlistPath & "\""
do shell script strCommandText
end try
delay 1
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Import :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1 '" & strImportDataPath & "'\" '" & strAcrobatReaderPlistPath & "'"
do shell script strCommandText
delay 1
set strCommandText to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :DC:Selection:DefaultSelect:1\" \"" & strAcrobatReaderPlistPath & "\""
set strCommandResult to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
if strCommandResult contains "Hand" then
log "設定完了"
log "設定に失敗しました"
end if
set strCommandResult to ""
end if
end if
to doLogView()
tell application "System Events"
set listAppList to title of (every process where background only is false)
end tell
repeat with objAppList in listAppList
set strAppList to objAppList as text
if strAppList is "スクリプトエディタ" then
tell application "Script Editor"
if frontmost is true then
tell application "System Events" to click menu item "ログを表示" of menu "表示" of menu bar item "表示" of menu bar 1 of application process "Script Editor"
end try
end if
end tell
end if
end repeat
end doLogView
手動でやる場合は以下 値はDATAなので以下 <48616E6400>
| 固定リンク
- [Acrobat]署名済みファイルをクラウドから削除する(2024.02.27)
- Acrobatの新UI(2023.10.05)
- 「KozMinPr6N-Regular」フォントを検出または作成できません。一部の文字を正しく表示できない場合や、印刷できない場合があります。(2023.10.04)
- [Acrobat]レイヤーロックはFirefoxの組み込みPDFビューアーで解除可能(2023.03.13)
- 【Acrobat】Acrobat または Reader にてデフォルトで手のひらツールを利用したい場合について(Mac版)コマンド版(2022.09.09)