Acrobat AppleScript

[Acrobat AppleScript]PDFを開いてTIFFで書き出す(バージョンによる差異)





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[Acrobat AppleScript]ファイルサイズの取得(this.filesize)


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[Acrobat AppleScript]ファイル名の取得(this.documentFileName)


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[Acrobat AppleScript]PDFを開いてTIFFで書き出す(Export to TIFF Image : Adobe Acrobat)

do script を使ってこのようにする事で




set FileResult to choose file "変更するファイルを選択"
set savefolder to choose folder with prompt ("TIFファイルの保存先を選択してください。" as Unicode text)
set destinationFolder to savefolder as Unicode text

tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of FileResult
set newfile to destinationFolder & text 1 thru -4 of theName & "tif" as Unicode text
set newfilepass to POSIX path of newfile as Unicode text

end tell

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
open FileResult as alias

set comandline to "" as Unicode text

do script "this.saveAs(\"" & newfilepass & "\", \"com.adobe.acrobat.tiff\");"

close active doc saving no
end tell

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