



Photoshop CC2019(20.0)の「変形」仕様変更について



set theFileName to "PSUserConfig.txt" as text
log theFileName

set thePrefText to "TransformProportionalScale 0" as text
log thePrefText

set thePreferenceFolder to path to preferences folder from user domain
log thePreferenceFolder

set thePreferenceFolderPosixPath to POSIX path of thePreferenceFolder as text
log thePreferenceFolderPosixPath

set thePhotoshopPreferenceFolderPosixPath to ("" & thePreferenceFolderPosixPath & "Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Settings/") as text
log thePhotoshopPreferenceFolderPosixPath

set theCommandCom to ("mkdir -p '" & thePhotoshopPreferenceFolderPosixPath & "'") as text
log theCommandCom
do shell script theCommandCom

set theCommandCom to ("touch '" & thePhotoshopPreferenceFolderPosixPath & theFileName & "'") as text
log theCommandCom
do shell script theCommandCom

set theCommandCom to ("echo \"" & thePrefText & "\" > '" & thePhotoshopPreferenceFolderPosixPath & theFileName & "'") as text
log theCommandCom
do shell script theCommandCom

tell application "Finder"
set theCommandCom to ("open '" & thePhotoshopPreferenceFolderPosixPath & "'") as text
log theCommandCom
do shell script theCommandCom
end tell

log "初期設定ファイルを作成しました"









[Acrobat AppleScript]tsubasaさんのコメントへのレスポンス【別ファイル】




当方環境10.6x Acro8.2.2で正常に動作しています。




ファイルのオープン クローズが無いので

on open DropObj

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
end tell

tell application "Finder"
-----------------ファインダ アクティブ
set SetLabels to ¬
"[JPG quality60-120x]", ¬
"[JPG quality80-50]", ¬
"[JPG quality80]", ¬
"[JPGwMat]", ¬
"[PNG8]", ¬
"[PNG8wMat]", ¬
"[PNG24]", ¬
"[PNG24wMat]", ¬
"[PNG24trans]", ¬
"[GIF]", ¬
"[GIFwMat]", ¬
set SaveAns to choose from list SetLabels with prompt "フォーマットを選んでください" OK button name "実行する" with title "フォーマット選択"
set SaveForWebExportOptions to SaveAns as Unicode text

if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG8wMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPGwMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24wMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIFwMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

end if

set fileFcount to 0 ----カウントアップ用の数値
set fileFcountNo to "" as Unicode text ----ファイル名用のカウント数字の文字列
set NameSelect to "" as Unicode text ----リネームするか?オリジナルを保持するか?の判別用
set MainFileName to "" as Unicode text ----メインのファイル名
set exeName to "" as Unicode text
set newexeName to "" as Unicode text
--------------------------------------------------ファイル名を指定するか?を選ぶ リネーム か オリジナル保持か
display dialog "メインのファイル名はどうしますか?" default answer "img" buttons {"Rename", "Original"} with icon 1 default button 1
if button returned of the result is "Original" then
set resultFileName to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set the NameSelect to "2" as Unicode text
else if button returned of the result is "Rename" then
set resultFileName to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set the NameSelect to "1" as Unicode text
end if
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj

set pathAliasDoc to ObjFiles as alias

set fileName to name of ObjFiles as string

set pathStringDoc to pathAliasDoc as string

set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles

--------------------------------------------------もしもダイアログで Original を選んだら
if NameSelect is "2" then
set MainFileName to my replace(fileName, "." & exeName, "") as Unicode text
--------------------------------------------------もしもダイアログで Rename を選んだら
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set fileFcount to fileFcount + 1
set fileFcountNo to my zero2(fileFcount)
set the MainFileName to the fileFcountNo & "_" & resultFileName as Unicode text
end if
set the fileFcountNo to "" as Unicode text
set pathStringDirName to my replace(pathStringDoc, fileName, "") as string

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
open alias pathStringDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
if (mode of activDoc is not RGB) then
change mode activDoc to RGB
end if
if (bits per channel of activDoc is sixteen) then
set bits per channel of activDoc to eight
end if
--------------------------------------------------ドキュメントのサイズを取得 整数に丸める
------------注意!PSDの初期設定に単位が依存します。mmならmmサイズ pixelならピクセル値を返します。
set docHeight to height of activDoc as integer
set docWidth to width of activDoc as integer

resize image activDoc resolution 94 width docWidth height docHeight resample method bicubic smoother

if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPG quality80]") then

if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, blur:0 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, optimized size:true ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, web format:JPEG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
, with profile:false ¬
} ¬
with copying

close activDoc saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPG quality60-120x]") then

if docWidthdocHeight then
set wResio to (120 / docWidth)
set docWidth to (120) div 1 as integer
set docHeight to (docHeight * wResio) div 1 as integer

else if docWidth < docHeight then
set hResio to (120 / docHeight)
set docHeight to (120) div 1 as integer
set docWidth to (docWidth * hResio) div 1 as integer

end if

resize image activDoc resolution 94 width docWidth height docHeight resample method bicubic smoother

if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, blur:0 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, optimized size:true ¬
, quality:60 ¬
, web format:JPEG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
, with profile:false ¬
} ¬
with copying

close activDoc saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPG quality80-50]") then

set docWidth to (docWidth * 0.5) div 1 as integer
set docHeight to (docHeight * 0.5) div 1 as integer

resize image activDoc resolution 94 width docWidth height docHeight resample method bicubic smoother

if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, blur:0 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, optimized size:true ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, web format:JPEG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
, with profile:false ¬
} ¬
with copying

close activDoc saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPGwMat]") then

if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, blur:0 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, optimized size:true ¬
, matte:({red:R8bitColor, green:G8bitColor, blue:B8bitColor}) ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, web format:JPEG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
, with profile:false ¬
} ¬
with copying

close activDoc saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG8]") then

if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:true ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG8wMat]") then

if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, matte:({red:R8bitColor, green:G8bitColor, blue:B8bitColor}) ¬
, png eight:true ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24]") then
if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:false ¬
, transparency:false ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying

close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24wMat]") then
if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export document 1 in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, matte:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying

close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24trans]") then
if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export document 1 in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying

close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIFwMat]") then
if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:perceptual reduction ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, quality:0 ¬
, matte:({red:R8bitColor, green:G8bitColor, blue:B8bitColor}) ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:CompuServe GIF ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIF]") then
if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:perceptual reduction ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, quality:0 ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:CompuServe GIF ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIF128]") then
if NameSelect is "2" then
set the webFileName to the (MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)
end if

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:perceptual reduction ¬
, colors in palette:128 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, quality:0 ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:CompuServe GIF ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
end if
end tell

set docHeight to 0
set docWidth to 0
set exeName to "" as Unicode text
set newexeName to "" as Unicode text

end repeat
end tell
end open

to zero2(n)
if n < 10 then
return "00" & n
else if n < 100 then
return "0" & n
return n as text
end if
end zero2

to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace

on RGB8bitR({rColor, gColor, bColor})
set rColor to (rColor ^ 0.5) div 1
return rColor
end RGB8bitR

on RGB8bitG({rColor, gColor, bColor})
set gColor to (gColor ^ 0.5) div 1
return gColor
end RGB8bitG
on RGB8bitB({rColor, gColor, bColor})
set bColor to (bColor ^ 0.5) div 1
return bColor
end RGB8bitB


| | コメント (0)







on open DropObj

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
end tell

tell application "Finder"
-----------------ファインダ アクティブ
set SetLabels to ¬
"[JPG quality80]", ¬
"[JPGwMat]", ¬
"[PNG8]", ¬
"[PNG8wMat]", ¬
"[PNG24]", ¬
"[PNG24wMat]", ¬
"[PNG24trans]", ¬
"[GIF]", ¬
"[GIFwMat]", ¬
set SaveAns to choose from list SetLabels with prompt "フォーマットを選んでください" OK button name "実行する" with title "フォーマット選択"

set SaveForWebExportOptions to SaveAns as Unicode text


if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG8wMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPGwMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24wMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIFwMat]") then
set the RGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {255, 255, 255})
set the R8bitColor to my RGB8bitR(RGB16bitColor)
set the G8bitColor to my RGB8bitG(RGB16bitColor)
set the B8bitColor to my RGB8bitB(RGB16bitColor)

end if

set fileFcount to 0 ----カウントアップ用の数値
set fileFcountNo to "" as Unicode text ----ファイル名用のカウント数字の文字列
set NameSelect to "" as Unicode text ----リネームするか?オリジナルを保持するか?の判別用
set MainFileName to "" as Unicode text ----メインのファイル名
set exeName to "" as Unicode text
set newexeName to "" as Unicode text
--------------------------------------------------ファイル名を指定するか?を選ぶ リネーム か オリジナル保持か
display dialog "メインのファイル名はどうしますか?" default answer "img" buttons {"Rename", "Original"} with icon 1 default button 1
if button returned of the result is "Original" then
set resultFileName to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set the NameSelect to "2" as Unicode text
else if button returned of the result is "Rename" then
set resultFileName to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set the NameSelect to "1" as Unicode text
end if
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj

set pathAliasDoc to ObjFiles as alias

set fileName to name of ObjFiles as string

set pathStringDoc to pathAliasDoc as string

set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles

--------------------------------------------------もしもダイアログで Original を選んだら
if NameSelect is "2" then
set MainFileName to my replace(fileName, "." & exeName, "") as Unicode text
--------------------------------------------------もしもダイアログで Rename を選んだら
else if NameSelect is "1" then
set fileFcount to fileFcount + 1
set fileFcountNo to my zero2(fileFcount)
set the MainFileName to the fileFcountNo & "_" & resultFileName as Unicode text
end if
set the fileFcountNo to "" as Unicode text
set pathStringDirName to my replace(pathStringDoc, fileName, "") as string

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
open alias pathStringDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
if (mode of activDoc is not RGB) then
change mode activDoc to RGB
end if
if (bits per channel of activDoc is sixteen) then
set bits per channel of activDoc to eight
end if
--------------------------------------------------ドキュメントのサイズを取得 整数に丸める
------------注意!PSDの初期設定に単位が依存します。mmならmmサイズ pixelならピクセル値を返します。
set docHeight to height of activDoc as integer
set docWidth to width of activDoc as integer

resize image activDoc resolution 94 width docWidth height docHeight resample method bicubic smoother

if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPG quality80]") then

set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, blur:0 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, optimized size:true ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, web format:JPEG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
, with profile:false ¬
} ¬
with copying

close activDoc saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[JPGwMat]") then

set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName)

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, blur:0 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, optimized size:true ¬
, matte:({red:R8bitColor, green:G8bitColor, blue:B8bitColor}) ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, web format:JPEG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
, with profile:false ¬
} ¬
with copying

close activDoc saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG8]") then

set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:true ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG8wMat]") then

set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, matte:({red:R8bitColor, green:G8bitColor, blue:B8bitColor}) ¬
, png eight:true ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24]") then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:false ¬
, transparency:false ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying

close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24wMat]") then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export document 1 in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, matte:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying

close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[PNG24trans]") then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export document 1 in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, png eight:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, web format:PNG ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying

close document 1 saving no

else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIFwMat]") then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:perceptual reduction ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, quality:0 ¬
, matte:({red:R8bitColor, green:G8bitColor, blue:B8bitColor}) ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:CompuServe GIF ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIF]") then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:perceptual reduction ¬
, colors in palette:256 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, quality:0 ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:CompuServe GIF ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
else if (SaveForWebExportOptions is "[GIF128]") then
set the webFileName to the (the docWidth & "x" & docHeight & "_" & MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set savewebFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & webFileName) as string

export activDoc in file savewebFileName as save for web with options ¬
{class:save for web export options ¬
, color reduction:perceptual reduction ¬
, colors in palette:128 ¬
, dither:none ¬
, dither amount:100 ¬
, interlaced:false ¬
, lossy:0 ¬
, quality:0 ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, transparency amount:100 ¬
, transparency dither:none ¬
, web format:CompuServe GIF ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
} ¬
with copying
close document 1 saving no
end if
end tell

set docHeight to 0
set docWidth to 0
set exeName to "" as Unicode text
set newexeName to "" as Unicode text

end repeat
end tell
end open

to zero2(n)
if n < 10 then
return "00" & n
else if n < 100 then
return "0" & n
return n as text
end if
end zero2

to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace

on RGB8bitR({rColor, gColor, bColor})
set rColor to (rColor ^ 0.5) div 1
return rColor
end RGB8bitR

on RGB8bitG({rColor, gColor, bColor})
set gColor to (gColor ^ 0.5) div 1
return gColor
end RGB8bitG
on RGB8bitB({rColor, gColor, bColor})
set bColor to (bColor ^ 0.5) div 1
return bColor
end RGB8bitB





 ifマット指定有りなら マット色を指定








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tell application "System Events"
set {allAppName} to {displayed name} of (every application process whose (visible is true) and (creator type is not "MACS"))

repeat with everyAppName from 1 to count of allAppName
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "Adobe Illustrator CS2" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "CS2が起動中です"
end tell
end if
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "Adobe Illustrator CS3" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "CS3が起動中です"
end tell
end if
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "Adobe Illustrator CS4" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "CS4が起動中です"
end tell
end if
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "Adobe Illustrator CS5" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "CS5"
end tell
end if

end try
end repeat
end tell






| | コメント (0)


tell application "System Events"
set {allAppName} to {name} of (every application process whose (visible is true) and (creator type is not "MACS"))

repeat with everyAppName from 1 to count of allAppName
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "AdobeReader" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "AdobeReaderが起動中です"
end tell
end if
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "Acrobat" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Acrobat8?が起動中です"
end tell
end if
if (item everyAppName of allAppName) is "AdobeAcrobat" then
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Acrobat9が起動中です"
end tell
end if

end try
end repeat
end tell



tell application "System Events"
set {allAppName} to {name} of (every application process whose (visible is true) and (creator type is not "MACS"))
end tell


tell application "System Events"
set {allAppName} to {application file} of (every application process whose (visible is true) and (creator type is not "MACS"))
end tell

{{alias "XXXXXXXXXX:Applications:Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro:Adobe Acrobat"}}


tell application "System Events"
set {allAppName} to {displayed name} of (every application process whose (visible is true) and (creator type is not "MACS"))
end tell



tell application "System Events"
set {allAppName} to {unix id} of (every application process whose (visible is true) and (creator type is not "MACS"))
end tell





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[Ai]イラストレーター まとめて 書き出し 別名保存






Adobe Illustrator CS4

on open DropObj
tell application "Finder"
-----------------ファインダ アクティブ
set SetLabels to ¬
"[JPG]", ¬
"[PNG8]", ¬
"[PNG24]", ¬
"[GIF]", ¬
"[PSD]", ¬
"[SWF]", ¬
"[FXG]", ¬
set chooseResult to choose from list SetLabels with prompt "フォーマットを選んでください" OK button name "実行する" with title "フォーマット選択"
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj

set fileName to name of ObjFiles as string

set pathAliasDoc to ObjFiles as alias

set pathStringDoc to pathAliasDoc as string

set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles

set MainFileName to my replace(fileName, "." & exeName, "") as string

set pathStringDirName to my replace(pathStringDoc, fileName, "") as string

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
-----------Illustrator アクティブ
set ArtRange to "" as Unicode text
set backlayers to "background" as Unicode text
if chooseResult is false then
tell application "Finder"
end tell
else if chooseResult is {"[EPS]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the EpsFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "eps") as string
set saveEpsFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & EpsFileName) as string
save activDoc in file saveEpsFileName as eps with options ¬
{class:EPS save options ¬
, include document thumbnails:false ¬
, save multiple artboards:false ¬
, overprint:preserve ¬
, PostScript:level 3 ¬
, preview:none ¬
, embed linked files:true ¬
, embed all fonts:true ¬
, compatible gradient printing:true ¬
, compatibility:Illustrator 8 ¬
, CMYK PostScript:true ¬
, artboard range:1 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[FXG]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the FxgFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "fxg") as string
set saveFxgFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & FxgFileName) as string
save activDoc in file saveFxgFileName as fxg with options ¬
{class:FXG save options ¬
, artboard range:ArtRange ¬
, clip content:true ¬
, downsample linked images:false ¬
, filters policy:keep filters editable ¬
, fxg version:version 1.0 ¬
, gradients policy:keep gradients editable ¬
, include metadata:false ¬
, include unused symbols:false ¬
, preserve editing capabilities:true ¬
, save multiple artboards:false ¬
, text policy:keep text editable ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[SWF]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the SwfFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "swf") as string
set saveSwfFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & SwfFileName) as string
export activDoc to file saveSwfFileName as Flash with options ¬
{class:Flash export options ¬
, art clipping:output artboard bounds ¬
, artboard range:ArtRange ¬
, background color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, blend animation:none ¬
, compressed:true ¬
, convert text to outlines:true ¬
, curve quality:10 ¬
, export all symbols:false ¬
, export style:Flash file ¬
, export version:SWF version 9 ¬
, Flash Playback Security:flash playback local access ¬
, frame rate:64.0 ¬
, image format:lossless ¬
, JPEG method:optimized ¬
, JPEG quality:8 ¬
, layer order:bottom up ¬
, looping:true ¬
, preserve appearance:false ¬
, read only:false ¬
, replacing:yes ¬
, resolution:144.0 ¬
, save multiple artboards:false ¬
, textkerning:false ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[GIF]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the GifFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "gif") as string
set saveGifFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & GifFileName) as string
export activDoc to file saveGifFileName as GIF with options ¬
{class:GIF export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, color count:255 ¬
, color dither:none ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, dither percent:80 ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, information loss:0 ¬
, interlaced:true ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[JPG]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the JPGFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "jpg") as string
set saveJPGFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & JPGFileName) as string
export activDoc to file saveJPGFileName as JPEG with options ¬
{class:JPEG export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, blur:0.0 ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, optimization:true ¬
, quality:80 ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[PNG8]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the PngFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savePngFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PngFileName) as string
export activDoc to file savePngFileName as PNG8 with options ¬
{class:PNG8 export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, color count:255 ¬
, color dither:none ¬
, color reduction:adaptive ¬
, dither percent:80 ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, interlaced:true ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
, web snap:0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[PNG24]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the PngFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "png") as string
set savePngFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PngFileName) as string
export activDoc to file savePngFileName as PNG24 with options ¬
{class:PNG24 export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, matte:false ¬
, matte color:{red:255, green:255, blue:255} ¬
, saving as HTML:false ¬
, transparency:true ¬
, horizontal scaling:72.0 ¬
, vertical scaling:72.0 ¬
close activDoc saving no
else if chooseResult is {"[PSD]"} then
open pathAliasDoc without dialogs
set activDoc to document 1
set the PsdFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "psd") as string
set savePsdFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PsdFileName) as string
export activDoc to file savePsdFileName as Photoshop with options ¬
{class:Photoshop export options ¬
, antialiasing:true ¬
, artboard range:ArtRange ¬
, color space:RGB ¬
, editable text:true ¬
, embed ICC profile:true ¬
, maximum editability:true ¬
, resolution:144.0 ¬
, save multiple artboards:true ¬
, warnings:false ¬
, write layers:true ¬
close activDoc saving no
end if

end tell
end repeat
end tell
end open

to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace





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on open DropObj
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj
set afile to ObjFiles
tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of ObjFiles
set theAlias to ObjFiles as alias
set theAliasPath to theAlias as string
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
open theAliasPath
set activeDoc to active doc
set lastpage to (count active doc each page)
print pages of ¬
activeDoc first 1 last lastpage ¬
PS Level 3 ¬
shrink to fit true ¬
without binary output
close activeDoc saving no
on error errorMes
display dialog errorMes
end try
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end open






tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"

set target to active doc

set lastpage to (count active doc each page)

end tell



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Adobe Illustrator CS4














on open DropObj


tell application "Finder"

--------------------------------------------------ファインダ アクティブ



tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


set PdfPreSetLabels to PDF presets as list

end tell

set chooseResult to choose from list PdfPreSetLabels with prompt "PDFプリセットを選んでください" OK button name "実行する" with title "プリセット選択"

copy the result as list to {the PdfPreSetLabels}


if chooseResult is false then

set PDFpre to "Yoshida_PDF_X-1a_aics4" as Unicode text


set PDFpre to PdfPreSetLabels as Unicode text

end if


repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj


set fileName to name of ObjFiles as string


set pathAliasDoc to ObjFiles as alias


set pathStringDoc to pathAliasDoc as string


set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles


set MainFileName to my replace(fileName, "." & exeName, "") as string


set pathStringDirName to my replace(pathStringDoc, fileName, "") as string


set the PDFFileName to the (the MainFileName & "." & "pdf") as string


set savePDFFileName to (pathStringDirName & ":" & PDFFileName) as string


tell application "Adobe Illustrator"

--------------------------------------------------Illustrator アクティブ



open pathAliasDoc without dialogs


set activDoc to document 1


save activDoc in file savePDFFileName as pdf with options ¬

{class:PDF save options ¬

, PDF preset:PDFpre ¬



close activDoc saving no


end tell

end repeat

end tell

end open


to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)

set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr

set tmpList to every text item of theText

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr

set tmpStr to tmpList as text

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim

return tmpStr

end replace






















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Accessibility AccessibilityCheck AccessibilityForm AccessibilityInDesign AccessibilityPDF Acrobat Acrobat Action Acrobat Annotation Acrobat AppleScripts Acrobat Character Acrobat Layer Acrobat PDF Embed API Acrobat PDF Form Print Acrobat Plug-ins Acrobat Portfolios Acrobat Print AcrobatBarcode AcrobatDialog AcrobatForm AcrobatJS AcrobatMenu AcrobatPDF AcrobatStamp AcrobatYouTube AddressBook Adobe Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop AdobeAppleScript AdobeBridge AdobeIllustrator AdobeJSX aed Alfresco Android AnimationGif Apple Apple Support AppleScript AppleScriptBasics AppleScriptCharacter AppleScriptColor AppleScriptDroplet AppleScriptErrorNum AppleScriptFolder AppleScriptFontBook AppleScriptRename AppleScriptTools AppleSymbols Applications Barcode Barcode2D BarcodePostal BetterHTMLExport Book BOX Browser buzz Certificates CharacterEntity CharacterSets Colors Cool Site CSS Cutting DecoMail DecorationMail Design Desktop Diff DJ dmg DNS Documents Download DTP eBook Editer eMail Envelopes ExifTool Facebook FFmpeg File System Fonts FontsTool FontsWeb FOOD FormPrint ftp Gadget Gif Animation Google Google Chrome Enterprise HexEditor HTML info iPhoto ISBN ISO iTunes iWork iWorkNumbers iWorkNumbersCalendar iWorkNumbersTimecard iWorkPages JavaScript JeditX JeditX Regexp JeditXAppleScript JIS jquery Letterpress Library logo Mac Admin Mac Archiver Mac Browser Mac Browser Plugin Mac QuickLook Mac Setup Mac Spotlight Mac Video Map Memo Microsoft Teams Mobby mobileconfig Moto Movies Music Network Basic ntp OCR Office OfficePowerPoint OSX Paint Pantone Paper PDFlib Permission Photo Pictograms Print Public Python QuickLook QuickTime QuickTimeSetting QuickTimeSound Real Media ReName ResourceFork ruby Sample Screen ScreenCast Search Security SEO Sharing SLAResource Sound Spotlight Stamp SWF TCC.db Tutorial PSD TV Twitter Typography Unicode Utilities Video WEB APP WebFont Wedding Windows WindowsMedia XML XMP XPS YouTube YouTube Rss