
[AppleScripts]error number -10004

error number -10004

–10004 A privilege violation occurred.
Apple Events特権違反エラー




【AppleScript Release Notes: 10.6 Changes】

Source:【AppleScript Release Notes: 10.6 Changes】

Source:AppleScript Release Notes: 10.6 Changes




tell application "Finder"から呼び出すとエラーになるので

tell current applicationで実行している事がわかります


do shell script で処理を実行する場合のセキュリティへ上の配慮ですかね?











tell application "Finder"内で
tell current applicationで実行させる



tell application "Finder"

tell current application
do shell script "touch /tmp/test.txt"
end tell

end tell


error number -10004は
on error


tell application "Finder"

do shell script "touch /tmp/test.txt"
on error theErrorMsg number theErrorNum
display alert (theErrorMsg & "" & theErrorNum) as informational
end try

end tell



with timeout of XX seconds
end timeout

on error
end try

exit repeat
end repeat


tell application "Finder"
with timeout of 60 seconds

display dialog "入力" default answer ¬
"入力支援" buttons {"タイプ1", "タイプ2", "キャンセル"} ¬
with icon caution ¬
with title ¬
"タイトル" cancel button ¬
"キャンセル" default button ¬
"タイプ2" giving up after 10 without hidden answer

if button returned of the result is "タイプ1" then
set MainFileName to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set dialogObj to "タイプ1をおしました"

else if button returned of the result is "タイプ2" then
set MainFileName to text returned of the result as Unicode text
set dialogObj to "タイプ2をおしました"

else if gave up of the result is true then
set dialogObj to "時間切れになりました"
display dialog (dialogObj) with icon 2
exit repeat

end if

on error errText number errNum
display dialog (errText) & "\nerror number:" & (errNum) with icon 2
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
end timeout
end tell





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AppleScript Error Numbers List【-2708〜-2763】

[FORCE]: AppleScript Error Code 一覧[LINK]新しいウィンドで開きます

AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
–2708Attempt to create a value larger than the allowable size.
–2709Can’t get the event dictionary.
–2720Can’t both consider and ignore <attribute>.
–2721Can’t perform operation on text longer than 32K bytes.
–2729Message size too large for the 7.0 Finder.
–2740A <language element> can’t go after this <language element>.
–2741Expected <language element> but found <language element>.
–2750The <name> parameter is specified more than once.
–2751The <name> property is specified more than once.
–2752The <name> handler is specified more than once.
–2753The variable <name> is not defined.
–2754Can’t declare <name> as both a local and global variable.
–2755Exit statement was not in a repeat loop.
–2760Tell statements are nested too deeply.
–2761<name> is illegal as a formal parameter.
–2762<name> is not a parameter name for the event <event>.
–2763No result was returned for some argument of this expression.

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AppleScript Application Error Numbers List【-2700〜-2706】

[FORCE]: AppleScriptError Numbers[LINK][FORCE]: AppleScriptError Numbersを新しいウィンドで開きます
AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
-2700Unknown error.
–2701Can’t divide <number> by zero.
–2702The result of a numeric operation was too large.
–2703<reference> can’t be launched because it is not an application.
–2704<reference> isn’t scriptable.
–2705The application has a corrupted dictionary.
–2706Stack overflow.
–2707Internal table overflow.

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AppleScript Application Error Numbers List【-10002〜-10015】

[FORCE]: AppleScript Error Code 一覧[LINK]新しいウィンドで開きます

AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
–10002Invalid key form.
–10003Can't set <object or data> to <object or data>. Access not allowed.
–10004A privilege violation occurred.
–10005The read operation wasn't allowed.
–10006Can't set <object or data> to <object or data>.
–10007The index of the event is too large to be valid.
–10008The specified object is a property, not an element.
–10009Can’t supply the requested descriptor type for the data.
–10010The Apple event handler can’t handle objects of this class.
–10011Couldn’t handle this command because it wasn’t part of the current transaction.
–10012The transaction to which this command belonged isn’t a valid transaction.
–10013There is no user selection.
–10014Handler only handles single objects.
–10015Can’t undo the previous Apple event or user action.

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AppleScript object Error Numbers List【-1728〜-1760】

[FORCE]: AppleScriptError Numbers[LINK][FORCE]: AppleScriptError Numbersを新しいウィンドで開きます
AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
–1728Can’t get <reference>.
–1729Object counting procedure returned a negative count.
–1730Container specified was an empty list.
–1731Unknown object type.
–1750Scripting component error.
–1751Invalid script id.
–1752Script doesn’t seem to belong to AppleScript.
–1753Script error.
–1754Invalid selector given.
–1755Invalid access.
–1756Source not available.
–1757No such dialect.
–1758Data couldn’t be read because its format is obsolete.
–1759Data couldn’t be read because its format is too new.
–1760Recording is already on.

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AppleScript object Error Numbers List【-1700〜-1727】

[FORCE]: AppleScript Error Code 一覧[LINK]新しいウィンドで開きます

AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
–1700Can’t make some data into the expected type.
–1701Some parameter is missing for <commandName>.
–1702Some data could not be read.
–1703Some data was the wrong type.
–1704Some parameter was invalid.
–1705Operation involving a list item failed.
–1706Need a newer version of the Apple Event Manager.
–1707Event isn’t an Apple event.
–1708<reference> doesn’t understand the <commandName> message.
–1709AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply.
–1710Invalid sending mode was passed.
–1711User canceled out of wait loop for reply or receipt.
–1712Apple event timed out.
–1713No user interaction allowed.
–1714Wrong keyword for a special function.
–1715Some parameter wasn’t understood.
–1716Unknown Apple event address type.
–1717The handler <identifier> is not defined.
–1718Reply has not yet arrived.
–1719Can’t get <reference>. Invalid index.
–1720Invalid range.
–1721<expression> doesn’t match the parameters <parameterNames> for<commandName>.
–1723Can’t get <expression>. Access not allowed.
–1725Illegal logical operator called.
–1726Illegal comparison or logical.
–1727Expected a reference.

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AppleScript Operating System Error Numbers List【-35〜-915】

[FORCE]: AppleScriptError Numbers[LINK][FORCE]: AppleScriptError Numbersを新しいウィンドで開きます
AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
0No error.
-34Disk <name> full.
-35Disk <name> wasn’t found.
-37Bad name for file
-38File <name> wasn’t open.
-39End of file error.
-42Too many files open.
-43File <name> wasn’t found.
-44Disk <name> is write protected.
-45File <name> is locked.
-46Disk <name> is locked.
-47File <name> is busy.
-48Duplicate file name.
-49File <name> is already open.
-50Parameter error.
-51File reference number error.
-61File not open with write permission.
-108Out of memory.
-120Folder <name> wasn’t found.
-124Disk <name> is disconnected.
-128User cancelled.
-192A resource wasn’t found.
-600Application isn’t running
-601Not enough room to launch application with special requirements.
-602Application is not 32-bit clean.
-605More memory needed than is specified in the size resource.
-606Application is background-only.
-607Buffer is too small.
-608No outstanding high-level event.
-609Connection is invalid.
-904Not enough system memory to connect to remote application.
-905Remote access is not allowed.
-906<name> isn’t running or program linking isn’t enabled.
-915Can’t find remote machine.
-30720Invalid date and time .

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AppleScript Error Numbers List【-2700〜-2763】

[FORCE]: AppleScript Error Code 一覧[LINK]新しいウィンドで開きます

AppleScript Language Guide[LINK]AppleScript Language Guideを新しいウィンドで開きます


Error numberError message
-2700Unknown error.
-2701Can’t divide by zero.
-2702The result of a numeric operation was too large.
-2703 can't be launched because it is not an application.
-2704 isn't scriptable.
-2705The application has a corrupted dictionary.
-2706Stack overflow.
-2707Internal table overflow.
-2708Attempt to create a value larger than the allowable size.
-2709Can't get the event dictionary.
-2720Can't both consider and ignore .
-2721Can't perform operation on text longer than 32K bytes.
-2729Message size too large for the 7.0 Finder.
-2740A can't go after this .
-2741Expected but found .
-2750The parameter is specified more than once.
-2751The property is specified more than once.
-2752The handler is specified more than once.
-2753The variable is not defined.
-2754Can't declare as both a local and global variable.
-2755Exit statement was not in a repeat loop.
-2760Tell statements are nested too deeply.
-2761 is illegal as a formal parameter.
-2762 is not a parameter name for the event .
-2763No result was returned for some argument of this expression.

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