Acrobat AppleScripts







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【Acrobat AppleScripts】フルスクリーン開始




20210805 思い出して再作成

set theList to {"UncoverLeft", "UncoverRight", "UncoverDown", "UncoverUp", "UncoverLeftDown", "UncoverLeftUp", "UncoverRightDown", "UncoverRightUp", "CoverLeft", "CoverRight", "CoverDown", "CoverUp", "CoverLeftDown", "CoverLeftUp", "CoverRightDown", "CoverRightUp", "PushLeft", "PushRight", "PushDown", "PushUp", "PushLeftDown", "PushLeftUp", "PushRightDown", "PushRightUp", "FlyInRight", "FlyInLeft", "FlyInDown", "FlyInUp", "FlyOutRight", "FlyOutLeft", "FlyOutDown", "FlyOutUp", "FlyIn", "FlyOut", "Blend", "Fade", "Random", "Dissolve", "GlitterRight", "GlitterDown", "GlitterRightDown", "BoxIn", "BoxOut", "BlindsHorizontal", "BlindsVertical", "SplitHorizontalIn", "SplitHorizontalOut", "SplitVerticalIn", "SplitVerticalOut", "WipeLeft", "WipeRight", "WipeDown", "WipeUp", "WipeLeftDown", "WipeLeftUp", "WipeRightDown", "WipeRightUp", "Replace", "ZoomInDown", "ZoomInLeft", "ZoomInLeftDown", "ZoomInLeftUp", "ZoomInRight", "ZoomInRightDown", "ZoomInRightUp", "ZoomInUp", "ZoomOutDown", "ZoomOutLeft", "ZoomOutLeftDown", "ZoomOutLeftUp", "ZoomOutRight", "ZoomOutRightDown", "ZoomOutRightUp", "ZoomOutUp", "CombHorizontal", "CombVertical"} as list

tell application "Finder"
set theChoices to theList
set theTransition to choose from list theChoices with prompt "トランジッションを選んでください" default items {"Random"}
set theTransition to theTransition as text
end tell
log theTransition

tell application "Finder"
set objDialog to (display dialog "ページ送り秒(半角数字で)" default answer "5" giving up after 20 with title "ページ送り秒")
set numSecPage to (text returned of objDialog) as text
set numSecPage to (numSecPage + numSecPage) / 2 as integer
on error
set numSecPage to "5" as integer
end try
end tell
log numSecPage

tell application "Finder"
set listRGBcolor to (choose color default color {65535, 65535, 65535})
end tell

set theR to ((item 1 of listRGBcolor) / 65535) as number
set theG to ((item 2 of listRGBcolor) / 65535) as number
set theB to ((item 3 of listRGBcolor) / 65535) as number

tell application "Adobe Acrobat"

tell window 1

do script "app.fs.defaultTransition = \"" & theTransition & "\";"
do script "app.toolbar = false;"
do script "app.fs.cursor = cursor.visible;"
do script "app.fs.clickAdvances = true;"
do script "app.fs.useTimer = true;"
do script "app.fs.usePageTiming = true;"
do script "app.fs.loop = true;"
do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"RGB\"," & theR & ", " & theG & "," & theB & "];"

---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"CMYK\", 1, 0, 0,0];"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"RGB\", 1, 0, 0];"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"RGB\",0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5];"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = color.white;"
---do script "app.fs.backgroundColor = [\"G\", 0.5,0.2];"
do script "app.fs.timeDelay = \"" & numSecPage & "\";"

do script "app.execMenuItem(\"FullScreenMode\");"

end tell

end tell


[Acrobat AppleScripts]アプリケーションの画面サイズ


tell application "Finder"
set theWindowSize to (bounds of window of desktop) as list
set theDesktopWidth to (item 3 of theWindowSize) as number
set theDesktopHight to (item 4 of theWindowSize) as number
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Dock"
set {dockWidth, dockHeight} to the size of list 1
end tell
tell dock preferences
set theScreenEdge to screen edge as text
set theAutohide to autohide as text
end tell
end tell

set theStatusMenuShowHide to (do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults read NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar") as number

if theStatusMenuShowHide is 0 then
set theMenuBarHight to 22 as number
set theMenuBarHight to 0 as number
end if
tell application "Adobe Acrobat"
open (choose file of type {"com.adobe.pdf"})
tell active doc
set theDocBounds to bounds as list
end tell
set theDocBounds01 to (item 1 of theDocBounds) as number
set theDocBounds02 to (item 2 of theDocBounds) as number
set theDocBounds03 to (item 3 of theDocBounds) as number
set theDocBounds04 to (item 4 of theDocBounds) as number
if theAutohide is "false" then
if theScreenEdge is "bottom" then
set theDockSize to dockHeight as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, theDesktopWidth, (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight - theDockSize)}
set theDockSize to dockWidth as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, (theDesktopWidth - theDockSize), (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight)}
end if
if theScreenEdge is "bottom" then
set theDockSize to dockHeight as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, theDesktopWidth, (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight)}
set theDockSize to dockWidth as number
set theAcroWindowBounds to {0, theMenuBarHight, (theDesktopWidth), (theDesktopHight - theMenuBarHight)}
end if
end if
tell active doc
set bounds to theAcroWindowBounds
end tell
end tell

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[Acrobat AppleScript]PDFを開いてTIFFで書き出す(バージョンによる差異)





続きを読む "[Acrobat AppleScript]PDFを開いてTIFFで書き出す(バージョンによる差異)"

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[Acrobat AppleScript]ファイルサイズの取得(this.filesize)


続きを読む "[Acrobat AppleScript]ファイルサイズの取得(this.filesize)"

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[Acrobat AppleScript]ファイル名の取得(this.documentFileName)


続きを読む "[Acrobat AppleScript]ファイル名の取得(this.documentFileName)"

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[Acrobat AppleScript]PDFを開いてTIFFで書き出す(Export to TIFF Image : Adobe Acrobat)

do script を使ってこのようにする事で




set FileResult to choose file "変更するファイルを選択"
set savefolder to choose folder with prompt ("TIFファイルの保存先を選択してください。" as Unicode text)
set destinationFolder to savefolder as Unicode text

tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of FileResult
set newfile to destinationFolder & text 1 thru -4 of theName & "tif" as Unicode text
set newfilepass to POSIX path of newfile as Unicode text

end tell

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
open FileResult as alias

set comandline to "" as Unicode text

do script "this.saveAs(\"" & newfilepass & "\", \"com.adobe.acrobat.tiff\");"

close active doc saving no
end tell

続きを読む "[Acrobat AppleScript]PDFを開いてTIFFで書き出す(Export to TIFF Image : Adobe Acrobat)"

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Accessibility AccessibilityCheck AccessibilityForm AccessibilityInDesign AccessibilityPDF Acrobat Acrobat Action Acrobat Annotation Acrobat AppleScripts Acrobat Character Acrobat Layer Acrobat PDF Embed API Acrobat PDF Form Print Acrobat Plug-ins Acrobat Portfolios Acrobat Print AcrobatBarcode AcrobatDialog AcrobatForm AcrobatJS AcrobatMenu AcrobatPDF AcrobatStamp AcrobatYouTube AddressBook Adobe Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop AdobeAppleScript AdobeBridge AdobeIllustrator AdobeJSX aed Alfresco Android AnimationGif Apple Apple Support AppleScript AppleScriptBasics AppleScriptCharacter AppleScriptColor AppleScriptDroplet AppleScriptErrorNum AppleScriptFolder AppleScriptFontBook AppleScriptRename AppleScriptTools AppleSymbols Applications Barcode Barcode2D BarcodePostal BetterHTMLExport Book BOX Browser buzz Certificates CharacterEntity CharacterSets Colors Cool Site CSS Cutting DecoMail DecorationMail Design Desktop Diff DJ dmg DNS Documents Download DTP eBook Editer eMail Envelopes ExifTool Facebook FFmpeg File System Fonts FontsTool FontsWeb FOOD FormPrint ftp Gadget Gif Animation Google Google Chrome Enterprise HexEditor HTML info iPhoto ISBN ISO iTunes iWork iWorkNumbers iWorkNumbersCalendar iWorkNumbersTimecard iWorkPages JavaScript JeditX JeditX Regexp JeditXAppleScript JIS jquery Letterpress Library logo Mac Admin Mac Archiver Mac Browser Mac Browser Plugin Mac QuickLook Mac Setup Mac Spotlight Mac Video Map Memo Microsoft Teams Mobby mobileconfig Moto Movies Music Network Basic ntp OCR Office OfficePowerPoint OSX Paint Pantone Paper PDFlib Permission Photo Pictograms Print Public Python QuickLook QuickTime QuickTimeSetting QuickTimeSound Real Media ReName ResourceFork ruby Sample Screen ScreenCast Search Security SEO Sharing SLAResource Sound Spotlight Stamp SWF TCC.db Tutorial PSD TV Twitter Typography Unicode Utilities Video WEB APP WebFont Wedding Windows WindowsMedia XML XMP XPS YouTube YouTube Rss